Bläddra i källkod

Refine the branching, release and contribution process

Vildravn 5 år sedan
committed by Big Bad Waffle
2 ändrade filer med 100 tillägg och 24 borttagningar
  1. +97
  2. +3

+ 97
- 24 Visa fil

@@ -1,26 +1,99 @@
This is a quick guide on contributing to Isleward
# Contributing Guide

There are many ways in which you can contribute to the project, be it reporting issues, fixing them, implementing new features or even making art/audio assets.

If anything in this contributing guide is not clear, don't hesitate to contact Waf or Vildravn on [Isleward's Discord](

## Issues

### Creating Issues
* Use the integrated [Issue tracker](
* Before making a new issue, make sure the same issue is not already listed in the issue tracker
* In case it is listed and you have some more info, for example on how to reproduce a bug, post a comment in the original issue
* Use the `Bug` label for bugs
* Use the `Suggestion` label for suggesting new features or content
* Use the `Modding` label for modding related issues
* Use the `Feature/Content` label for new features or content
* Do **not** use the remaining labels unless you are working on the issue (see Workflow)

### Workflow
* First create an issue that relates to your changes if there's none yet (See Creating Issues)
* Fork the Isleward project or update your fork
* Make a new branch in your fork, preferably with the issue number and a very description in the name (e.g. `666-necromancer-class`, `123-crash-fix`)
* Give the issue label a `In Development`
* Make your changes
* Before submitting a merge request, make sure to properly test your changes locally
* Submit a merge request, in the merge request message, mention the task number, as mentioned in [Automatic issue closing]( article.
* Always merge into `isleward/staging` branch, **not** `isleward/master`
* Remove the `In Development` label from the issue and give it an `In Testing` label
* Wait for the merge request to be approved. If the merge request is denied, address the comments made in the request and submit again
* After the merge request has been approved and merged, it'll get tested again in the `Staging` branch
* When it's tested and works in `Staging`, assing a `Ready for Release` label to the issue
* After the `Staging` branch is merged into `master`, the issue should get automatically closed. If not, please close the issue.

* Isleward uses the integrated [Issue Tracker]( on GitLab.
* Issues are used to track work to be done (this includes bug fixes).
* Before making a new issue, make sure the same issue is not already listed in the issue tracker, either opened or already closed.
* In case it is listed and you have some more info, for example on how to reproduce a bug, post a comment in the original issue.
* If the issue is of a more sensitive nature (a serious game breaking exploit for example), please report the issue as [confidential](#confidential-issues).

### Issue Labels

Labels can only be assigned by people with Reporter and higher permissions in the project (see [Members]( People with rights to assign labels should do so regularly to keep the issues organized.
The project is using the following, rather self-explanatory, labels:

* ~Balance
* ~Bug
* ~Content
* ~Draft
* ~Feature
* ~Modding
* ~Polish
* ~Refactor
* ~DevOps

### Issue Weights

* In addition to labels, issues tagged with the ~Bug label are also assigned Weights.
* Bugs are weighed by severity, with 1 being trivial and 5 being severe.
* Weights can assigned by people with Reporter or higher privileges, but this should only be done by @rstan122 unless instructed otherwise.

### Confidential Issues

* Confidential issues are issues that are visible only to people with Reporter or higher access rights.
* Therefore they are very useful for reporting issues that are very sensitive and that not every user should know about.
* To create a confidential issue, simply check the `This issue is confidential and should only be visible to team members with at least Reporter access.` checkbox when creating a new issue.

### Becoming a Reporter

For more information about becoming a reporter, contact Waf on [Isleward's Discord](

## Project Workflow

### Branching Structure

The project is using the following branching structure

* `master`
* `release`
* release tags (e.g. `0.3.1`)
* feature branches (e.g. `990-contributing-rewrite`)

**master** is the "nightly" branch, so to speak. All feature branches should be branched from and merged into `master`.

**release** is a single release branch. When a new version is to be released, `master` is merged into this branch and a release tag is created.

**release tags** are pointing at the latest commit in `release` at the point of releasing a new version.

**feature branches** are branches in which the actual development happens. The name of a feature branch should always contain the number of the issue that's being addressed (e.g. the `990` in `990-contribuing-rewrite`), be all lowercase with hyphens between words.

### Using SSH keys

While not necessary, it is recommended to use SSH keys with git. Please follow [this page]( to learn how to set up and use SSH keys.

### Forking and Syncing

All contributed work needs to be done in your own fork, in a branch created from the `master` branch. To learn more about forking a repository, follow [this guide](

In case your work on the contribution is taking longer, your branch may become out of date with the parent repository. [This article]( from GitHub will help you sync your fork with the upstream (parent) repository.

### Code Style and Linting

Isleward uses ESLint and has a .eslintrc file with rules set up. When contributing code, please make sure to fix any errors and warnings produced by ESLint as your merge request won't be accepted otherwise.

Also please make sure to follow the [JS Style Guide](

### Merge Requests

Once you are done working on your contribution, you need to submit a merge request to merge your branch from your fork back into the upstream (parent) repository.

The merge request should have `master` as its target branch unless arranged otherwise.

You don't need to remove the source branch upon accepting the merge request if the merge request is being made from a fork.
Squishing commits is usually not recommended as it breaks the ability to rebase nicely in certain cases.

Once your merge request is submitted, GitLab CI will run a few tests on it. Should those tests fail, please address the failures.
A Merge Request with passing tests is ready to be merged.

### Running Isleward

* [Windows](
* [Linux](
* [MacOS](

+ 3
- 0 Visa fil

@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@ Built with NodeJS, JS, HTML and CSS.

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[How to contribute](

### Installation and Usage

* [Windows](
* [Linux](
* [MacOS](
