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Installation is now on the wiki

Vildravn 7 years ago
1 changed files with 3 additions and 43 deletions
  1. +3

+ 3
- 43 View File

@@ -5,48 +5,8 @@ A multiplayer, moddable, extensible roguelike built with NodeJS, JS, HTML and CS
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### Installation and Usage
#### Windows
1. (Optional) Install [Chocolatey](
* Launch Command Line as Administrator
* Run the following command: `@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"`
1. Install NodeJS
* 'With Chocolatey: `choco install nodejs`
* Manually: Download latest version from [](
1. Install Git
* With Chocolatey: `choco install git`
* Manually: Download latest version from [](
1. Open a new Command Line window and run the following commands
1. Get the code: `git clone`
1. Navigate to the server folder: `cd isleward/src/server`
1. Install dependencies: `npm install`
1. Run: `node --expose-gc index.js`
1. Navigate `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser

#### Linux
1. Download Git, NodeJS and npm through your package manager
* Ubuntu & Debian: `sudo apt-get install git nodejs npm`
* ArchLinux: `sudo pacman -S git nodejs npm`
* CentOS: `yum install git nodejs npm`
1. Open a new Terminal window and run the following commands
1. Get the code: `git clone`
1. Navigate to the server folder: `cd isleward/src/server`
1. Install dependencies: `npm install`
1. Run: `node --expose-gc index.js`
1. Navigate `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser

#### MacOS
1. (Optional) Install [Homebrew](
1. Install NodeJS
* With Homebrew: `brew install node`
* Manually: Download latest version from [](
1. Install Git
* With Homebrew: `brew install git`
* Manually: Download latest version from [](
1. Open a new Terminal window and run the following commands
1. Get the code: `git clone`
1. Navigate to the server folder: `cd isleward/src/server`
1. Install dependencies: `npm install`
1. Run: `node --expose-gc index.js`
1. Navigate `http://localhost:4000/` in your browser
* [Windows](
* [Linux](
* [MacOS](

![Ingame Screenshots](
