define([ 'js/misc/statTranslations', 'ui/templates/tooltipItem/buildTooltip/stringifyStatValue' ], function ( statTranslations, stringifyStatValue ) { let item = null; let compare = null; let shiftDown = null; let equipErrors = null; const init = (_item, _compare, _shiftDown, _equipErrors) => { item = _item; compare = _compare; shiftDown = _shiftDown; equipErrors = _equipErrors; }; const lineBuilders = { div: (className, children) => { if (!children) return null; if (children.join) children = children.join(''); if (!children.length) return null; return `
`; }, name: () => { let itemName =; if (item.quantity > 1) itemName += ' x' + item.quantity; return itemName; }, type: () => { if (!item.type || item.type === return null; return item.type; }, power: () => { if (!item.power) return null; return (new Array(item.power + 1)).join('+'); }, implicitStats: () => { if (!item.implicitStats) return null; const tempImplicitStats = $.extend(true, [], item.implicitStats); if (compare && shiftDown && !item.eq) { const compareImplicitStats = (compare.implicitStats || []); tempImplicitStats.forEach(s => { const { stat, value } = s; const f = compareImplicitStats.find(c => c.stat === stat); if (!f) { s.value = `+${value}`; return; } const delta = value - f.value; if (delta > 0) s.value = `+${delta}`; else if (delta < 0) s.value = delta; }); compareImplicitStats.forEach(s => { if (tempImplicitStats.some(f => f.stat === s.stat)) return; tempImplicitStats.push({ stat: s.stat, value: -s.value }); }); } const html = tempImplicitStats .map(({ stat, value }) => { let statName = statTranslations.translate(stat); const prettyValue = stringifyStatValue(stat, value); let rowClass = ''; if (compare) { if (prettyValue.indexOf('-') > -1) rowClass = 'loseStat'; else if (prettyValue.indexOf('+') > -1) rowClass = 'gainStat'; } return `
${prettyValue} ${statName}
`; }) .join(''); const result = ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + html ); return result; }, stats: () => { const tempStats = $.extend(true, {}, item.stats); const enchantedStats = item.enchantedStats || {}; if (compare && shiftDown) { if (!item.eq) { const compareStats = compare.stats; for (let s in tempStats) { if (compareStats[s]) { const delta = tempStats[s] - compareStats[s]; if (delta > 0) tempStats[s] = '+' + delta; else if (delta < 0) tempStats[s] = delta; } else tempStats[s] = '+' + tempStats[s]; } for (let s in compareStats) { if (!tempStats[s]) tempStats[s] = -compareStats[s]; } } } else { Object.keys(tempStats).forEach(s => { if (enchantedStats[s]) { tempStats[s] -= enchantedStats[s]; if (tempStats[s] <= 0) delete tempStats[s]; tempStats['_' + s] = enchantedStats[s]; } }); } const html = Object.keys(tempStats) .map(s => { const isEnchanted = (s[0] === '_'); let statName = s; if (isEnchanted) statName = statName.substr(1); const prettyValue = stringifyStatValue(statName, tempStats[s]); statName = statTranslations.translate(statName); let rowClass = ''; if (compare) { if (prettyValue.indexOf('-') > -1) rowClass = 'loseStat'; else if (prettyValue.indexOf('+') > -1) rowClass = 'gainStat'; } if (isEnchanted) rowClass += ' enchanted'; return `
${prettyValue} ${statName}
`; }) .sort((a, b) => { return (a.replace(' enchanted', '').length - b.replace(' enchanted', '').length); }) .sort((a, b) => { if (a.indexOf('enchanted') > -1 && b.indexOf('enchanted') === -1) return 1; else if (a.indexOf('enchanted') === -1 && b.indexOf('enchanted') > -1) return -1; return 0; }) .join(''); if (!html) return null; const result = ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + lineBuilders.div('line', ' ') + lineBuilders.div('smallSpace', ' ') + html + lineBuilders.div('smallSpace', ' ') + lineBuilders.div('line', ' ') ); return result; }, effects: () => { if (!item.effects || !item.effects.length || !item.effects[0].text || item.type === 'mtx') return null; let html = ''; item.effects.forEach((e, i) => { html += e.text; if (i < item.effects.length - 1) html += '
'; }); const result = ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + (!!item.spell?.values ? lineBuilders.div('line', ' ') + lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') : '') + html + lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + lineBuilders.div('line', ' ') ); return result; }, material: () => { if (item.material) return 'crafting material'; }, quest: () => { if ( return 'quest item'; }, spellName: () => { if (!item.spell || item.ability) return null; return ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + lineBuilders.div(`spellName q${item.spell.quality}`, ); }, damage: () => { if (!item.spell || !item.spell.values) return null; const abilityValues = Object.entries(item.spell.values) .map(([k, v]) => { if (!compare || !shiftDown) return `${k}: ${v}
`; let delta = v - compare.spell.values[k]; // adjust by EPSILON to handle float point imprecision, otherwise 3.15 - 2 = 1.14 or 2 - 3.15 = -1.14 // have to move away from zero by EPSILON, not a simple add if (delta >= 0) delta += Number.EPSILON; else delta -= Number.EPSILON; delta = ~~((delta) * 100) / 100; let rowClass = ''; if (delta > 0) { rowClass = 'gainDamage'; delta = '+' + delta; } else if (delta < 0) rowClass = 'loseDamage'; return `
${k}: ${delta}
`; }) .join(''); return abilityValues; }, requires: (className, children) => { if (!item.requires && !item.level && (!item.factions || !item.factions.length)) return null; if (equipErrors.length) className += ' high-level'; return ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + lineBuilders.div(className, 'requires') ); }, requireLevel: className => { if (!item.level) return null; if (equipErrors.includes('level')) className += ' high-level'; const level = item.level.push ? `${item.level[0]} - ${item.level[1]}` : item.level; return lineBuilders.div(className, `level: ${level}`); }, requireStats: className => { if (!item.requires || !item.requires[0]) return null; if (equipErrors.includes('stats')) className += ' high-level'; let html = `${item.requires[0].stat}: ${item.requires[0].value}`; return lineBuilders.div(className, html); }, requireFaction: () => { if (!item.factions) return null; let htmlFactions = ''; item.factions.forEach((f, i) => { let htmlF = + ': ' + f.tierName; if (f.noEquip) htmlF = '' + htmlF + ''; htmlFactions += htmlF; if (i < item.factions.length - 1) htmlFactions += '
'; }); return htmlFactions; }, worth: () => { if (!item.worthText) return null; return ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + `value: ${item.worthText}` ); }, info: () => { if (!item.slot) return null; let text = null; if (isMobile && compare && !shiftDown) text = 'tap again to compare'; else if (!shiftDown && compare) text = '[shift] to compare'; if (!text) return null; return ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + text ); }, description: () => { if (!item.description) return null; return ( lineBuilders.div('space', ' ') + item.description ); }, cd: () => { if (! return null; return `cooldown: ${}`; }, uses: () => { if (!item.uses) return null; return `uses: ${item.uses}`; } }; return { init, lineBuilders }; });