define([ '../misc/events' ], function( events ) { var spells = [{ name: 'Magic Missile', description: 'Launches an orb of unfocussed energy at your target.', type: 'projectile', icon: [1, 0], animation: 'hitStaff', particles: { color: { start: ['7a3ad3', '3fa7dd'], end: ['3fa7dd', '7a3ad3'] }, scale: { start: { min: 2, max: 14 }, end: { min: 0, max: 8 } }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 3 }, alpha: { start: 0.7, end: 0 }, randomScale: true, randomColor: true, chance: 0.6 } }, { name: 'Ice Spear', description: 'A jagged projectile of pure ice pierces your target and slows his movement.', type: 'iceSpear', icon: [1, 1], animation: 'hitStaff', particles: { color: { start: ['fcfcfc', '48edff'], end: ['48edff', 'fcfcfc'] }, scale: { start: { min: 2, max: 12 }, end: { min: 0, max: 6 } }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 4 }, alpha: { start: 0.8, end: 0 }, randomScale: true, randomColor: true, chance: 0.9 } }, { name: 'Fireblast', description: 'Unleashes a blast of fire that damages and pushes back nearby foes.', type: 'fireblast', icon: [1, 2], animation: 'raiseStaff', particles: { color: { start: ['d43346', 'faac45'], end: ['c0c3cf', '929398'] }, scale: { start: { min: 4, max: 24 }, end: { min: 0, max: 12 } }, frequency: 0.02, emitterLifetime: 0.15, spawnType: 'circle', lifetime: { min: 1, max: 2 }, spawnCircle: { x: 0, y: 0, r: 8 }, speed: { start: { min: 4, max: 24 }, end: { min: 0, max: 12 } }, randomSpeed: true, randomScale: true, randomColor: true } }, { name: 'Smite', description: 'Calls down holy energy from the heavens upon your foe.', type: 'melee', row: 2, col: 0, icon: [0, 0], animation: 'hitStaff' }, { name: 'Healing Circle', description: 'Creates a circle of pure holy energy that heals allies for a brief period.', type: 'healingCircle', icon: [0, 1], animation: 'raiseStaff', particles: { scale: { start: { min: 6, max: 16 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, speed: { start: { min: 2, max: 12 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 3 }, alpha: { start: 0.45, end: 0 }, color: { start: ['ffeb38', 'fcfcfc'], end: ['fcfcfc', 'faac45'] }, spawnType: 'circle', spawnCircle: { x: 0, y: 0, r: 12 }, randomScale: true, randomColor: true, randomSpeed: true, chance: 0.02 } }, { name: 'Holy Vengeance', description: 'Grants holy vengeance to a friendly target. For the duration of the effect, dealing damage will also heal the attacker.', type: 'holyVengeance', spellType: 'buff', icon: [0, 2] }, { name: 'Slash', description: 'Performs a melee attack with your equipped weapon.', type: 'melee', row: 0, col: 0, icon: [3, 0], animation: 'hitSword' }, { name: 'Charge', type: 'charge', description: 'Charges at a foe, dealing damage and stunning them for a short period.', type: 'charge', icon: [3, 1], animation: 'raiseShield' }, { name: 'Reflect Damage', type: 'reflectdamage', description: 'Gain an ethereal shield that reflects damage until the buff wears off.', type: 'reflectDamage', icon: [3, 2], animation: 'raiseShield' }, { name: 'Double Slash', type: 'melee', description: 'Perform two quick melee attacks in succession', animation: 'hitSword', row: 1, col: 0, icon: [2, 0] }, { name: 'Smokebomb', type: 'smokeBomb', description: 'Envelops the thief in a cloud of poisonous smoke, dealing damage to enemies every tick until it dissipates.', animation: 'raiseHands', icon: [2, 1], particles: { scale: { start: { min: 16, max: 30 }, end: { min: 8, max: 14 } }, opacity: { start: 0.02, end: 0 }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 3 }, speed: { start: 12, end: 2 }, color: { start: ['fcfcfc', '80f643'], end: ['c0c3cf', '2b4b3e'] }, chance: 0.03, randomColor: true, randomScale: true, blendMode: 'screen' } }, { name: 'Stealth', description: 'The thief slips into the shadows and becomes undetectable by foes. Performing an attack removes this effect.', type: 'stealth', icon: [2, 2] }/*, { name: 'Web Bolt', description: 'Encases your target in webs, preventing them from doing anything for a short period', type: 'cocoon', manaCost: 10, icon: [4, 0], damage: 0, ttl: 15, range: 9, threatMult: 1, row: 4, col: 4, cdMax: 10, particles: { color: { start: ['f2f5f5', '505360'], end: ['505360', 'f2f5f5'] }, speed: { start: { min: 0, max: 4 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, randomSpeed: true, randomColor: true, chance: 0.4 } }*/, { name: 'Crystal Spikes', description: 'Jagged Crystals break ground at your target destination', type: 'warnBlast', animation: 'raiseHands', icon: [4, 0], particles: { color: { start: ['c0c3cf', '929398'], end: ['929398', 'c0c3cf'] }, scale: { start: { min: 4, max: 10 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, speed: { start: { min: 2, max: 16 }, end: { min: 0, max: 8 } }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 1 }, spawnType: 'circle', spawnCircle: { x: 0, y: 0, r: 12 }, randomScale: true, randomSpeed: true, chance: 0.075, randomColor: true } }, { name: 'Arcane Barrier', description: 'Creates a circle of pure holy energy that heals allies for a brief period.', type: 'arcaneBarrier', icon: [0, 1], animation: 'raiseStaff', particles: { scale: { start: { min: 6, max: 16 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, speed: { start: { min: 2, max: 12 }, end: { min: 0, max: 4 } }, lifetime: { min: 1, max: 3 }, alpha: { start: 0.45, end: 0 }, color: { start: ['ffeb38', 'fcfcfc'], end: ['fcfcfc', 'faac45'] }, spawnType: 'circle', spawnCircle: { x: 0, y: 0, r: 12 }, randomScale: true, randomColor: true, randomSpeed: true, chance: 0.02 } }]; events.emit('onBeforeGetSpellsInfo', spells); return spells; });