const configMaterials = require('../../items/config/materials'); const connections = require('../../security/connections'); const events = require('../../misc/events'); //Commands const rezone = require('../social/rezone'); const canChat = require('../social/canChat'); const startEvent = require('../social/startEvent'); const stopEvent = require('../social/stopEvent'); const teleport = require('../social/teleport'); let commandRoles = { //Regular players join: 0, leave: 0, block: 0, unblock: 0, help: 0, //Super Mods broadcast: 8, saveAll: 8, //Admin getGold: 10, setLevel: 10, godMode: 10, clearInventory: 10, completeQuests: 10, getReputation: 10, loseReputation: 10, setStat: 10, die: 10, getXp: 10, setPassword: 10, giveSkin: 10, getMaterials: 10, rezone: 10, startEvent: 10, stopEvent: 10, teleport: 10, roll: 10, unEq: 10 }; //Commands that should be run on the main thread (not the zone thread) const localCommands = [ 'join', 'leave', 'setPassword', 'roll', 'broadcast', 'saveAll', 'help', 'startEvent', 'stopEvent' ]; //Actions that should appear when a player is right clicked const contextActions = []; const commandActions = {}; module.exports = { actions: [], customChannels: [], init: function (blueprint) { if (this.customChannels) { this.customChannels = this.customChannels .filter((c, i) => (this.customChannels.indexOf(c) === i)); } this.calculateActions(); }, calculateActions: function () { const chatCommandConfig = { localCommands, contextActions: extend([], contextActions), commandRoles, commandActions }; events.emit('onBeforeGetChatCommands', chatCommandConfig); events.emit('onBeforeGetCommandRoles', commandRoles, commandActions); Object.entries(commandActions).forEach(a => { const [ actionName, actionHandler ] = a; this[actionName] = actionHandler.bind(this); }); this.actions = chatCommandConfig.contextActions .filter(c => this.obj.auth.getAccountLevel() >= commandRoles[c.command]); }, onBeforeChat: function (msg) { let messageText = msg.message; if (messageText[0] !== '/') return; msg.ignore = true; messageText = messageText.substr(1).split(' '); let actionName = messageText.splice(0, 1)[0].toLowerCase(); actionName = Object.keys(commandRoles).find(a => (a.toLowerCase() === actionName)); if (!actionName) { this.obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'Invalid command.', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } else if (this.obj.auth.getAccountLevel() < commandRoles[actionName]) { this.obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'You do not have the required permissions.', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } let config = {}; const originalConfig = messageText.join(' '); if ((messageText.length === 1) && (messageText[0].indexOf('=') === -1)) config = messageText[0]; else { messageText.forEach(function (m) { m = m.split('='); config[m[0]] = m[1]; }); } if (localCommands.includes(actionName)) this[actionName](config, originalConfig); else { atlas.performAction(this.obj, { cpn: 'social', method: actionName, data: config }); } }, //actions join: async function (value) { if (typeof (value) !== 'string') return; value = value .trim() .split(' ').join(''); let obj = this.obj; if (value.length === 0) return; else if (!value.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/)) { obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'Channel names may only contain letters and numbers.', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } else if (value.length > 15) { obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'Channel names can not be longer than 15 characters.', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } let channels = obj.auth.customChannels; if (!channels.some(c => (c === value))) channels.push(value); else return; channels.push(value); let charname = obj.auth.charname; await io.setAsync({ key: charname, table: 'customChannels', value: channels, serialize: true }); obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-yellowB', message: 'joined channel: ' + value, type: 'info' }] }] }); obj.socket.emit('event', { event: 'onJoinChannel', data: value }); }, leave: async function (value) { if (typeof (value) !== 'string') return; let obj = this.obj; let channels = obj.auth.customChannels; if (!channels.some(c => (c === value))) { obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'you are not currently in that channel', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } channels.spliceWhere(c => (c === value)); let charname = obj.auth.charname; await io.setAsync({ key: charname, table: 'customChannels', value: channels, serialize: true }); obj.socket.emit('event', { event: 'onLeaveChannel', data: value }); this.obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-yellowB', message: 'left channel: ' + value, type: 'info' }] }] }); }, block: function (target) { const { obj, blockedPlayers } = this; const { name, social, syncer } = obj; if (blockedPlayers.includes(target)) { social.notifySelf({ message: 'That player has already been blocked' }); return; } else if (target === name) { social.notifySelf({ message: 'You cannot block yourself' }); return; } blockedPlayers.push(target); syncer.set(true, 'social', 'blockedPlayers', blockedPlayers); social.notifySelf({ message: `Successfully blocked ${target}`, className: 'color-yellowB' }); }, unblock: function (target) { const { obj, blockedPlayers } = this; const { social, syncer } = obj; if (!blockedPlayers.includes(target)) { social.notifySelf({ message: 'That player is not blocked' }); return; } blockedPlayers.spliceWhere(f => f === target); syncer.set(true, 'social', 'blockedPlayers', blockedPlayers); social.notifySelf({ message: `Successfully unblocked ${target}`, className: 'color-yellowB' }); }, help: function () { const msg = [ 'You can use the following commands:', ...Object.keys(commandRoles) .filter(c => this.obj.auth.getAccountLevel() >= commandRoles[c]) .map(c => `/${c}`) ].join('
'); this.sendMessage(msg, 'color-yellowB'); }, isInChannel: function (character, channel) { return character.auth.customChannels.some(c => (c === channel)); }, roll: function () { if (!canChat(this.obj)) { this.sendMessage('Your character needs to be played for at least 3 minutes or be at least level 3 to be able to send messages in chat.', 'color-redA'); return; } const roll = 1 + ~~(Math.random() * 100); cons.emit('event', { event: 'onGetMessages', data: { messages: [{ class: 'color-grayB', message: `${} rolled ${roll}`, type: 'chat', source: }] } }); }, unEq: function () { let eq =; Object.keys(eq.eq).forEach(function (slot) { eq.unequip({ itemId: eq.eq[slot] }); }); }, clearInventory: function () { let inventory = this.obj.inventory; inventory.items .filter(i => !i.eq) .map(i => .forEach(i => inventory.destroyItem({ itemId: i }, null, true)); }, getGold: function (amount) { let newGold = + ~~amount; newGold = Math.max(-1000000000, Math.min(1000000000, newGold)); = newGold; this.obj.syncer.set(true, 'trade', 'gold', newGold); }, setLevel: function (level) { let obj = this.obj; let syncer = obj.syncer; level = Math.max(1, ~~level); let stats = obj.stats; let values = stats.values; let oldLevel = values.level; values.level = level; obj.fireEvent('onLevelUp', values.level); let delta = level - oldLevel; values.hpMax += (40 * delta); syncer.setObject(true, 'stats', 'values', 'level', level); syncer.setObject(true, 'stats', 'values', 'hpMax', values.hpMax); process.send({ method: 'object', serverId: obj.serverId, obj: { level: level } }); stats.calcXpMax(); }, godMode: function () { let obj = this.obj; let statValues = obj.stats.values; let newValues = { int: 10000000, str: 10000000, dex: 10000000, hpMax: 10000000, hp: 10000000, manaMax: 10000000, mana: 10000000, sprintChance: 100, vit: 10000000 }; let syncer = obj.syncer; for (let s in newValues) { let newValue = newValues[s]; statValues[s] = newValue; syncer.setObject(true, 'stats', 'values', s, newValue); } obj.spellbook.calcDps(); }, completeQuests: function () { let obj = this.obj; let quests = obj.quests; quests.quests.forEach(function (q) { q.isReady = true; q.complete(); }, this); quests.quests = []; obj.instance.questBuilder.obtain(obj); }, getReputation: function (faction) { if (typeof (faction) !== 'string') return; this.obj.reputation.getReputation(faction, 50000); }, loseReputation: function (faction) { if (typeof (faction) !== 'string') return; this.obj.reputation.getReputation(faction, -50000); }, setStat: function (config) { this.obj.stats.values[config.stat] = ~~config.value; }, getXp: function (amount) { this.obj.stats.getXp(amount, this.obj, this.obj); }, die: function () { this.obj.stats.takeDamage({ amount: 20000000 }, 1, this.obj); }, setPassword: async function (config) { let keys = Object.keys(config); let username = keys[0] .split('_') .join(' '); let hashedPassword = keys[1]; await io.setAsync({ key: username, table: 'login', value: hashedPassword }); }, getMaterials: function (config) { if (typeof(config) === 'object') config = 100; let inventory = this.obj.inventory; Object.entries(configMaterials).forEach(([material, blueprint]) => { inventory.getItem({ name: material, quantity: config, material: true, ...blueprint }); }); }, broadcast: function (config, msg) { if (typeof(msg) === 'object') msg = Object.keys(msg).join(' '); cons.emit('event', { event: 'onGetMessages', data: { messages: [{ class: 'color-blueA', message: msg, type: 'chat' }] } }); }, saveAll: async function () { const { obj: { social } } = this; social.sendMessage('Initiating Save', 'color-blueA'); await connections.forceSaveAll(); social.sendMessage('Save Complete', 'color-blueA'); }, rezone: function (msg) { rezone(this, msg); }, startEvent: function (msg) { startEvent(this, msg); }, stopEvent: function (msg) { stopEvent(this, msg); }, teleport: function (msg) { teleport(this, msg); } };