//Imports const spellTemplate = require('../config/spells/spellTemplate'); const animations = require('../config/animations'); const playerSpells = require('../config/spells'); const playerSpellsConfig = require('../config/spellsConfig'); //Helpers const rotationManager = require('./spellbook/rotationManager'); const cast = require('./spellbook/cast'); //Component module.exports = { type: 'spellbook', spells: [], physics: null, objects: null, closestRange: -1, furthestRange: -1, callbacks: [], rotation: null, init: function (blueprint) { this.objects = this.obj.instance.objects; this.physics = this.obj.instance.physics; (blueprint.spells || []).forEach(s => this.addSpell(s, -1)); if (blueprint.rotation) { const { duration, spells } = blueprint.rotation; this.rotation = { currentTick: 0, duration, spells }; } delete blueprint.spells; //External helpers that should form part of the component this.getSpellToCast = rotationManager.getSpellToCast.bind(null, this); this.getFurthestRange = rotationManager.getFurthestRange.bind(null, this); this.resetRotation = rotationManager.resetRotation.bind(null, this); }, transfer: function () { let spells = this.spells; this.spells = []; spells.forEach(s => this.addSpell(s, -1)); }, die: function () { this.stopCasting(); this.spells.forEach(s => { let reserve = s.manaReserve; if (reserve && reserve.percentage && s.active) { let reserveEvent = { spell: s.name, reservePercent: reserve.percentage }; this.obj.fireEvent('onBeforeReserveMana', reserveEvent); this.obj.stats.addStat('manaReservePercent', -reserveEvent.reservePercent); } s.die(); }, this); }, simplify: function (self) { if (!self) return null; let s = { type: this.type, closestRange: this.closestRange, furthestRange: this.furthestRange }; let spells = this.spells; if (spells.length && spells[0].obj) spells = spells.map(f => f.simplify()); s.spells = spells; return s; }, addSpell: function (options, spellId) { if (!options.type) { options = { type: options }; } let type = options.type[0].toUpperCase() + options.type.substr(1); let typeTemplate = { type: type, template: null }; this.obj.instance.eventEmitter.emit('onBeforeGetSpellTemplate', typeTemplate); if (!typeTemplate.template) typeTemplate.template = require('../config/spells/spell' + type); let builtSpell = extend({}, spellTemplate, typeTemplate.template, options); builtSpell.obj = this.obj; builtSpell.baseDamage = builtSpell.damage || 0; builtSpell.damage += (options.damageAdd || 0); if (options.damage) builtSpell.damage = options.damage; if (builtSpell.animation) { let animation = null; let sheetName = this.obj.sheetName || '../../../images/characters.png'; let animationName = builtSpell.animation; if (sheetName === 'mobs') animation = animations.mobs; else if (sheetName === 'bosses') animation = animations.bosses; else if (sheetName.indexOf('/') > -1) animation = animations.mobs[sheetName]; else animation = animations.classes; if ((animation) && (animation[this.obj.cell]) && (animation[this.obj.cell][animationName])) { builtSpell.animation = extend({}, animation[this.obj.cell][animationName]); builtSpell.animation.name = animationName; } else builtSpell.animation = null; } if (!builtSpell.castOnDeath && builtSpell.range) { if (this.closestRange === -1 || builtSpell.range < this.closestRange) this.closestRange = builtSpell.range; if (this.furthestRange === -1 || builtSpell.range > this.furthestRange) this.furthestRange = builtSpell.range; } if ((!options.has('id')) && (spellId === -1)) { spellId = 0; this.spells.forEach(function (s) { if (s.id >= spellId) spellId = s.id + 1; }); } builtSpell.id = !options.has('id') ? spellId : options.id; //Mobs don't get abilities put on CD when they learn them if (!this.obj.mob && builtSpell.cdMax) builtSpell.cd = builtSpell.cdMax; this.spells.push(builtSpell); this.spells.sort(function (a, b) { return (a.id - b.id); }); builtSpell.calcDps(null, true); if (builtSpell.init) builtSpell.init(); if (this.obj.player) this.obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'spellbook', 'getSpells', builtSpell.simplify()); return builtSpell.id; }, addSpellFromRune: function (runeSpell, spellId) { let type = runeSpell.type; let playerSpell = playerSpells.spells.find(s => (s.name.toLowerCase() === runeSpell.name.toLowerCase())) || playerSpells.spells.find(s => (s.type === type)); let playerSpellConfig = playerSpellsConfig.spells[runeSpell.name.toLowerCase()] || playerSpellsConfig.spells[runeSpell.type]; if (!playerSpellConfig) return -1; if (!runeSpell.rolls) runeSpell.rolls = {}; runeSpell.values = {}; let builtSpell = extend({ type: runeSpell.type, values: {} }, playerSpell, playerSpellConfig, runeSpell); for (let r in builtSpell.random) { let range = builtSpell.random[r]; let roll = runeSpell.rolls[r] || 0; runeSpell.rolls[r] = roll; let int = r.indexOf('i_') === 0; let val = range[0] + ((range[1] - range[0]) * roll); if (int) { val = Math.round(val); r = r.replace('i_', ''); } else val = ~~(val * 100) / 100; builtSpell[r] = val; builtSpell.values[r] = val; runeSpell.values[r] = val; } if (runeSpell.properties) { for (let p in runeSpell.properties) builtSpell[p] = runeSpell.properties[p]; } if (runeSpell.cdMult) builtSpell.cdMax *= runeSpell.cdMult; delete builtSpell.rolls; delete builtSpell.random; return this.addSpell(builtSpell, spellId); }, calcDps: function () { this.spells.forEach(s => s.calcDps()); }, removeSpellById: function (id) { let exists = this.spells.spliceFirstWhere(s => (s.id === id)); if (exists) { if (exists.manaReserve && exists.active) { let reserve = exists.manaReserve; if (reserve.percentage) { let reserveEvent = { spell: exists.name, reservePercent: reserve.percentage }; this.obj.fireEvent('onBeforeReserveMana', reserveEvent); this.obj.stats.addStat('manaReservePercent', -reserveEvent.reservePercent); } } if (exists.unlearn) exists.unlearn(); this.obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'spellbook', 'removeSpells', id); } }, queueAuto: function (action, spell) { if (!action.auto || spell.autoActive) return true; this.spells.forEach(s => s.setAuto(null)); spell.setAuto({ target: action.target, spell: spell.id }); }, getTarget: function (spell, action) { let target = action.target; //Cast on self? if (action.self) { if (spell.targetGround) { target = { x: this.obj.x, y: this.obj.y }; } else if (spell.spellType === 'buff') target = this.obj; } if (!spell.aura && !spell.targetGround) { //Did we pass in the target id? if (target && !target.id) { target = this.objects.objects.find(o => o.id === target); if (!target) return null; } if (target === this.obj && spell.noTargetSelf) target = null; if (!target || !target.player) { if (spell.autoTargetFollower) { target = this.spells.find(s => s.minions && s.minions.length > 0); if (target) target = target.minions[0]; else return null; } } if (target.aggro && (spell.spellType === 'buff' || spell.spellType === 'heal')) { if (this.obj.aggro.faction !== target.aggro.faction) return; } else if (target.aggro && !this.obj.aggro.canAttack(target)) { if (this.obj.player) this.sendAnnouncement("You don't feel like attacking that target"); return; } } if (!spell.targetGround && target && !target.aggro && !spell.aura) { if (spell.spellType === 'heal') this.sendAnnouncement("You don't feel like healing that target"); else this.sendAnnouncement("You don't feel like attacking that target"); return; } if (spell.aura) target = this.obj; return target; }, canCast: function (action) { if (!action.has('spell')) return false; let spell = this.spells.find(s => (s.id === action.spell)); if (!spell) return false; let target = this.getTarget(spell, action); return spell.canCast(target); }, cast: function (action, isAuto) { return cast(this, action, isAuto); }, getClosestRange: function (spellNum) { if (spellNum) return this.spells[spellNum].range; return this.closestRange; }, getCooldowns: function () { let cds = []; this.spells.forEach( s => cds.push({ cd: s.cd, cdMax: s.cdMax, canCast: ((s.manaCost <= this.obj.stats.values.mana) && (s.cd === 0)) }), this); return cds; }, update: function () { let didCast = false; const isCasting = this.isCasting(); if (this.rotation) rotationManager.tick(this); this.spells.forEach(s => { let auto = s.autoActive; if (auto) { if (!auto.target || auto.target.destroyed) s.setAuto(null); else if (!isCasting && this.cast(auto, true)) didCast = true; } s.updateBase(); if (s.update) s.update(); }); let callbacks = this.callbacks; let cLen = callbacks.length; for (let i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { let c = callbacks[i]; //If a spellCallback kills a mob he'll unregister his callbacks if (!c) { i--; cLen--; continue; } c.time -= consts.tickTime; if (c.time <= 0) { if (c.callback) c.callback(); if (c.destroyCallback) c.destroyCallback(); callbacks.splice(i, 1); i--; cLen--; } } return didCast || isCasting; }, //Callbacks to be called when this object is destroyed registerDestroyCallback: function (callback) { this.callbacks.push({ cbOnSelfDestroyed: callback }); }, registerCallback: function (sourceId, callback, time, destroyCallback, targetId, destroyOnRezone) { let obj = { sourceId: sourceId, targetId: targetId, callback: callback, destroyCallback: destroyCallback, destroyOnRezone: destroyOnRezone, time: time }; this.callbacks.push(obj); return obj; }, unregisterCallback: function (objId, isTarget) { let callbacks = this.callbacks; let cLen = callbacks.length; for (let i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { let c = callbacks[i]; if ( ( isTarget && c.targetId === objId ) || ( !isTarget && c.sourceId === objId ) ) { if (c.destroyCallback) c.destroyCallback(); callbacks.splice(i, 1); i--; cLen--; } } }, sendAnnouncement: function (msg) { process.send({ method: 'events', data: { onGetAnnouncement: [{ obj: { msg: msg }, to: [this.obj.serverId] }] } }); }, fireEvent: function (event, args) { let spells = this.spells; let sLen = spells.length; for (let i = 0; i < sLen; i++) { let s = spells[i]; let spellEvents = s.events; if (spellEvents) { let callback = spellEvents[event]; if (!callback) continue; callback.apply(s, args); } if (s.castEvent === event) s.cast(); } }, isCasting: function () { return this.spells.some(s => s.currentAction); }, stopCasting: function (ignore, skipAuto) { this.spells.forEach(s => { if (s === ignore) return; if (!skipAuto) s.setAuto(null); if (!s.currentAction) return; s.castTime = 0; s.currentAction = null; if (!ignore || !ignore.castTimeMax) this.obj.syncer.set(false, null, 'casting', 0); }); }, destroy: function () { this.callbacks.forEach(c => { if (c.cbOnSelfDestroyed) c.cbOnSelfDestroyed(); }); this.spells.forEach(s => { if (s.destroy) s.destroy(); }); }, events: { beforeMove: function () { this.stopCasting(null, true); }, onBeforeUseItem: function () { this.stopCasting(null, true); }, clearQueue: function () { this.stopCasting(null, true); }, beforeDeath: function () { this.stopCasting(null, true); this.spells.forEach(function (s) { if (!s.castOnDeath) return; s.cast(); }); }, beforeRezone: function () { this.spells.forEach(function (s) { if (s.active) { s.active = false; let reserve = s.manaReserve; if (reserve && reserve.percentage) { let reserveEvent = { spell: s.name, reservePercent: reserve.percentage }; this.obj.fireEvent('onBeforeReserveMana', reserveEvent); this.obj.stats.addStat('manaReservePercent', -reserveEvent.reservePercent); } //Make sure to remove the buff from party members s.updateInactive(); } }, this); let callbacks = this.callbacks; let cLen = callbacks.length; for (let i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { let c = callbacks[i]; //If a spellCallback kills a mob he'll unregister his callbacks //Probably not needed since we aren't supposed to damage mobs in destroyCallback if (!c) { i--; cLen--; continue; } if (c.destroyOnRezone) { if (c.destroyCallback) c.destroyCallback(); callbacks.splice(i, 1); i--; cLen--; } } } } };