define([ 'js/system/events', 'js/system/client', 'html!ui/templates/smithing/template', 'css!ui/templates/smithing/styles', 'html!/ui/templates/smithing/templateItem', 'js/misc/statTranslations' ], function( events, client, template, styles, templateItem, statTranslations ) { return { tpl: template, centered: true, modal: true, eventCloseInv: null, hoverItem: null, item: null, action: 'augment', postRender: function() { this.onEvent('onShowSmithing', this.toggle.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onKeyDown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this)); this.find('.item-picker').on('click', this.openInventory.bind(this)); this.find('.actionButton').on('click', this.smith.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onHideInventory', this.hackMethod.bind(this)); this.onEvent('beforeInventoryClickItem', this.hackMethod.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onSetSmithItem', this.onHideInventory.bind(this)); this.find('.col-btn').on('click', this.clickAction.bind(this)); }, clickAction: function(e) { var el = $(e.currentTarget); this.find('.col-btn').removeClass('selected'); var action = el.attr('action'); var changed = (action != this.action); this.action = action; el.addClass('selected'); if ((this.item) && (changed)) this.getMaterials(this.item); }, smith: function() { this.setDisabled(true); client.request({ cpn: 'player', method: 'performAction', data: { cpn: 'inventory', method: 'enchantItem', data: { itemId:, action: this.action } }, callback: this.onSmith.bind(this, this.item) }); }, onSmith: function(item, result) { this.setDisabled(false); var msg = { msg: 'Item Enhancement Succeeded', type: 'success', zIndex: 9999999, top: 100 }; if (this.action == 'scour') msg.msg = 'Item Scouring Succeeded'; if (!result.success) { msg.msg = 'Item Enhancement Failed'; msg.type = 'failure'; } result.addStatMsgs.forEach(function(a) { msg.msg += '
' + ((a.value > 0) ? '+' : '') + a.value + ' ' + statTranslations.translate(a.stat); }); events.emit('onGetAnnouncement', msg); if (result.item) this.item = result.item; this.getMaterials(this.item); }, //Something needs to listen to events or they'll be queued hackMethod: function() { }, openInventory: function() { this.eventCloseInv = this.onEvent('onHideInventory', this.onHideInventory.bind(this)); this.eventClickInv = this.onEvent('beforeInventoryClickItem', this.onHideInventory.bind(this)); events.emit('onShowInventory'); this.el.hide(); }, onHideInventory: function(msg) { if (msg) msg.success = false; if ((!msg) || (!msg.item)) { this.offEvent(this.eventCloseInv); this.offEvent(this.eventClickInv); return; } else if (!msg.item.slot) { var msg = { msg: 'Incorrect Item Type', type: 'failure', zIndex: 9999999, top: 180 }; events.emit('onGetAnnouncement', msg); return; } else if (msg.item.eq) { var msg = { msg: 'Cannot augment equipped items', type: 'failure', zIndex: 9999999, top: 180 }; events.emit('onGetAnnouncement', msg); return; } this.offEvent(this.eventClickInv); $('.uiInventory').data('ui').toggle();; events.emit('onShowOverlay', this.el); msg.success = false; if ((!msg) || (!msg.item) || (!msg.item.slot) || (msg.item.eq)) return; this.item = msg.item; this.getMaterials(msg.item); }, getMaterials: function(item) { this.setDisabled(true); client.request({ cpn: 'player', method: 'performAction', data: { cpn: 'inventory', method: 'getEnchantMaterials', data: { itemId:, action: this.action } }, callback: this.onGetMaterials.bind(this, item) }); }, onGetMaterials: function(item, result) { this.find('.item').remove(); this.drawItem(this.find('.item-picker'), item); this.find('.actionButton').removeClass('disabled').addClass('disabled'); this.find('.chance').html(''); var material = result.materials[0]; if (material) { var hasMaterials = window.player.inventory.items.find(function(i) { return ( ==; }); if (hasMaterials) { material.quantityText = hasMaterials.quantity + '/' + material.quantity; hasMaterials = hasMaterials.quantity >= material.quantity; } else { if (!material.quantityText) material.quantityText = ''; material.quantityText += '0/' + material.quantity; } if (hasMaterials) this.find('.actionButton').removeClass('disabled'); this.find('.chance').html(result.successChance + '%'); this.drawItem(this.find('.material'), material, !hasMaterials); } this.setDisabled(false); }, drawItem: function(container, item, redQuantity) { container.find('.icon').hide(); var imgX = -item.sprite[0] * 64; var imgY = -item.sprite[1] * 64; var spritesheet = item.spritesheet || 'items'; if (item.material) spritesheet = 'materials'; else if ( spritesheet = 'questItems'; var el = $(templateItem) .appendTo(container); el .data('item', item) .on('mousemove', this.onHover.bind(this, el, item)) .on('mouseleave', this.hideTooltip.bind(this, el, item)) .find('.icon') .css('background', 'url(../../../images/' + spritesheet + '.png) ' + imgX + 'px ' + imgY + 'px'); if (item.quantity) { var quantityText = item.quantityText; el.find('.quantity').html(quantityText); if (redQuantity) el.find('.quantity').addClass('red'); } }, onHover: function(el, item, e) { if (item) this.hoverItem = item; else item = this.hoverItem; var ttPos = null; if (el) { var elOffset = el.offset(); ttPos = { x: ~~(e.clientX + 32), y: ~~(e.clientY) }; } events.emit('onShowItemTooltip', item, ttPos); }, hideTooltip: function(el, item, e) { events.emit('onHideItemTooltip', this.hoverItem); this.hoverItem = null; }, beforeHide: function() { this.offEvent(this.eventCloseInv); this.offEvent(this.eventClickInv); }, toggle: function() { this.shown = !':visible'); if (this.shown) { this.find('.item').remove(); this.find('.icon').show(); this.find('.actionButton').removeClass('disabled').addClass('disabled'); this.find('.chance').html('');; //; events.emit('onShowOverlay', this.el); } else { this.hide(); events.emit('onHideOverlay', this.el); } }, onKeyDown: function(key) { if (key == 'm') this.toggle(); } }; });