define([ ], function( ) { return { need: 10, have: 0, mobType: null, type: 'killX', build: function() { //If we're not in the correct zone, don't do this check, it'll just crash the server // since the mob won't be available (most likely) in the zoneFile if (this.obj.zoneName == this.zoneName) { var mobTypes =; if (this.mobName) { var mobType = mobTypes[this.mobName.toLowerCase()]; //Maybe the zoneFile changed in the meantime. If so, regenerate if ((!mobType) || (mobType.attackable == false)) this.mobName = null; } if (!this.mobName) { var mobCounts = this.obj.instance.spawners.mobTypes; var keys = Object.keys(mobTypes).filter(function(m) { return ( (m != 'default') && ( (mobTypes[m].attackable) || (mobTypes[m].attackable == null) ) ); }); this.mobType = keys[~~(Math.random() * keys.length)]; var needMax = 8; this.mobName = this.mobType.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt) { return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); }); this.need = Math.max(1, ~~((needMax * 0.2) + (Math.random() * needMax * 0.8))); } } this.description = 'Kill ' + this.have + '/' + this.need + ' ' + this.mobName; }, events: { afterKillMob: function(mob) { if (( != this.mobName) || (this.have >= this.need)) return; this.have++; this.description = 'Kill ' + this.have + '/' + this.need + ' ' + this.mobName; if (this.have >= this.need) this.ready(); this.obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'quests', 'updateQuests', this.simplify(true)); } } }; });