const getTargetPos = (physics, obj, m, pushback) => { let targetPos = { x: m.x, y: m.y }; let dx = m.x - obj.x; let dy = m.y - obj.y; while ((dx === 0) && (dy === 0)) { dx = ~~(Math.random() * 2) - 1; dy = ~~(Math.random() * 2) - 1; } dx = ~~(dx / Math.abs(dx)); dy = ~~(dy / Math.abs(dy)); for (let l = 0; l < pushback; l++) { if (physics.isTileBlocking(targetPos.x + dx, targetPos.y + dy)) { if (physics.isTileBlocking(targetPos.x + dx, targetPos.y)) { if (physics.isTileBlocking(targetPos.x, targetPos.y + dy)) break; else { dx = 0; targetPos.y += dy; } } else { dy = 0; targetPos.x += dx; } } else { targetPos.x += dx; targetPos.y += dy; } } return targetPos; }; module.exports = { type: 'fireblast', targetGround: true, targetPlayerPos: true, radius: 2, pushback: 4, damage: 1, cast: function (action) { let obj = this.obj; let { x, y, instance: { physics, syncer } } = obj; let radius = this.radius; const particleEvent = { source: this, particleConfig: extend({}, this.particles) }; obj.fireEvent('beforeSpawnParticles', particleEvent); for (let i = x - radius; i <= x + radius; i++) { for (let j = y - radius; j <= y + radius; j++) { if (!physics.hasLos(~~x, ~~y, ~~i, ~~j)) continue; let effect = { x: i, y: j, components: [{ type: 'particles', ttl: 10, blueprint: particleEvent.particleConfig }] }; if ((i !== x) || (j !== y)) syncer.queue('onGetObject', effect, -1); let mobs = physics.getCell(i, j); let mLen = mobs.length; for (let k = 0; k < mLen; k++) { let m = mobs[k]; //Maybe we killed something? if (!m) { mLen--; continue; } else if (!m.aggro || !m.effects) continue; else if (!obj.aggro.canAttack(m)) continue; const targetPos = getTargetPos(physics, obj, m, this.pushback); let distance = Math.max(Math.abs(m.x - targetPos.x), Math.abs(m.y - targetPos.y)); let ttl = distance * 125; m.clearQueue(); let damage = this.getDamage(m); m.stats.takeDamage({ damage, threatMult: 1, source: this.obj, target: m, spellName: 'fireblast' }); if (m.destroyed) continue; const eventMsg = { success: true, targetPos }; m.fireEvent('beforePositionChange', eventMsg); if (!eventMsg.success) continue; const targetEffect = m.effects.addEffect({ type: 'stunned', silent: true }); //If targetEffect is undefined, it means that the target has become resistant if (!targetEffect) continue; this.sendAnimation({ id:, components: [{ type: 'moveAnimation', targetX: targetPos.x, targetY: targetPos.y, ttl: ttl }] }); this.queueCallback(this.endEffect.bind(this, m, targetPos, targetEffect), ttl, null, m); } } } this.sendBump({ x: x, y: y - 1 }); return true; }, endEffect: function (target, targetPos, targetEffect) { const { instance: { physics }, syncer, effects } = target; const { x: xNew, y: yNew } = targetPos; const xOld = target.x; const yOld = target.y; effects.removeEffect(; target.x = xNew; target.y = yNew; if (physics.addObject(target, xNew, yNew, xOld, yOld)) physics.removeObject(target, xOld, yOld, xNew, yNew); else { target.x = xOld; target.y = yOld; return false; } //We can't use xNew and yNew because addObject could have changed the position (like entering a building interior with stairs) const { x: xFinal, y: yFinal } = target; syncer.o.x = xFinal; syncer.o.y = yFinal; const moveEvent = { newPos: { x: xFinal, y: yFinal }, source: this.obj, target, spellName: 'fireblast', spell: this }; target.fireEvent('afterPositionChange', moveEvent); } };