const eventEmitter = require('../misc/events'); let objBase = require('./objBase'); module.exports = { lastId: 0, instance: null, objects: [], init: function (_instance) { this.instance = _instance; this.physics = this.instance.physics; }, getNextId: function () { return ++this.lastId; }, build: function (isClientObj, id) { let o = extend({}, objBase); if (isClientObj) o.update = null; else { = id || this.getNextId(); o.addComponent('syncer'); o.instance = this.instance; } return o; }, pushObjectToList: function (obj) { this.objects.push(obj); }, transferObject: function (o) { const obj =; let components = o.components; delete o.components; delete; for (let p in o) obj[p] = o[p]; const cLen = components.length; for (let i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { let c = components[i]; const cpn = obj.addComponent(c.type, null, true); for (let p in c) cpn[p] = c[p]; if (cpn.transfer) cpn.transfer(); } this.pushObjectToList(obj); this.physics.addObject(obj, obj.x, obj.y); return obj; }, buildObjects: function (list, skipPush) { let lLen = list.length; for (let i = 0; i < lLen; i++) { let l = list[i]; let obj =,; obj.sheetName = l.sheetName; obj.cell = l.cell; =; obj.x = l.x; obj.y = l.y; if (l.ttl) obj.ttl = l.ttl; if (l.width) { obj.width = l.width; obj.height = l.height; } if (l.area) obj.area = l.area; //Add components (certain ones need to happen first) //TODO: Clean this part up let properties = extend({},; ['cpnMob'].forEach(function (c) { let blueprint = properties[c] || null; if ((blueprint) && (typeof (blueprint) === 'string')) blueprint = JSON.parse(blueprint); if (!blueprint) return; delete properties[c]; let type = c.replace('cpn', '').toLowerCase(); obj.addComponent(type, blueprint); }, this); for (let p in properties) { if (p.indexOf('cpn') === -1) { obj[p] = properties[p]; continue; } let type = p.replace('cpn', ''); type = type[0].toLowerCase() + type.substr(1); let blueprint = properties[p] || null; if ((blueprint) && (typeof (blueprint) === 'string')) blueprint = JSON.parse(blueprint); obj.addComponent(type, blueprint); } let extraProperties = l.extraProperties || {}; for (let p in extraProperties) { let cpn = obj[p]; let e = extraProperties[p]; for (let pp in e) cpn[pp] = e[pp]; if (cpn.init) cpn.init(); } if ((this.physics) && (!obj.dead)) { if (!obj.width) this.physics.addObject(obj, obj.x, obj.y); else this.physics.addRegion(obj); } if (obj.aggro) obj.aggro.move(); if (!skipPush) this.pushObjectToList(obj); if (lLen === 1) return obj; } }, find: function (callback) { return this.objects.find(callback); }, filter: function (callback) { return this.objects.filter(callback); }, removeObject: function (obj, callback, useServerId) { let found = this.objects.spliceFirstWhere(o => === (useServerId ? o.serverId :; if (!found) return; let physics = this.physics; if (physics) { if (!found.width) physics.removeObject(found, found.x, found.y); else physics.removeRegion(found); } found.destroy(); if (callback) callback(found); }, addObject: function (o, callback) { const newO =; const components = o.components; delete o.components; for (let p in o) newO[p] = o[p]; const len = components.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const c = components[i]; const newC = newO.addComponent(c.type, c); extend(newC, c); } this.pushObjectToList(newO); if (!newO.dead) this.physics.addObject(newO, newO.x, newO.y); callback(newO); return newO; }, sendEvent: function (msg, { name: sourceZone }) { const { id, data } = msg; const player = this.objects.find(p => === id); if (!player || player.zoneName !== sourceZone) return; player.socket.emit('event', { event: data.event, data: }); }, sendEvents: function ({ data }, { name: sourceZone }) { const { objects } = this; //Store will contain all events to be sent to players const store = {}; for (let e in data) { const event = data[e]; const eLen = event.length; for (let j = 0; j < eLen; j++) { const eventEntry = event[j]; const { obj: eventObj, to } = eventEntry; if (e === 'serverModule') { const { method, msg } = eventObj; if (Array.isArray(msg)) global[eventObj.module][method](...msg); else global[eventObj.module][method](msg); continue; } const toLen = to.length; for (let i = 0; i < toLen; i++) { const toId = to[i]; let storeEntry = store[toId]; if (!storeEntry) { const playerObj = objects.find(o => === toId); if (!playerObj || playerObj.zoneName !== sourceZone) { io.setAsync({ key: new Date(), table: 'error', value: `ignoring ${e}` }); continue; } store[toId] = { obj: playerObj, events: { [e]: [eventObj] } }; continue; } if (![e])[e] = [];[e].push(eventObj); } } } for (let p in store) { const { obj: { socket }, events } = store[p]; socket.emit('events', events); } }, updateObject: async function (msg) { let player = this.objects.find(p => === msg.serverId); if (!player) return; let obj = msg.obj; for (let p in obj) player[p] = obj[p]; if (obj.permadead) await leaderboard.killCharacter(; if (obj.level) { await leaderboard.setLevel(, obj.level); cons.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-blueB', message: + ' has reached level ' + obj.level }] }] }); eventEmitter.emit('playerObjChanged', { obj: player }); } }, notifyCollisionChange: function (x, y, collides) { this.objects .filter(o => o.player) .forEach(function (o) { o.syncer.setArray(true, 'player', 'collisionChanges', { x, y, collides }); }); }, notifyMapChange: function (x, y, mapCellString) { this.objects .filter(o => o.player) .forEach(function (o) { o.syncer.setArray(true, 'player', 'mapChanges', { x, y, mapCellString }); }); }, update: function () { let objects = this.objects; let len = objects.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { let o = objects[i]; //If object A causes object B (layer in the list) to rezone, we won't find it here if (!o) { len--; continue; } //Don't remove it from the list if it's destroyed, but don't update it either //That's syncer's job if ((o.update) && (!o.destroyed)) o.update(); //When objects are sent to other zones, we destroy them immediately (thhrough sendObjToZone) if (o.forceDestroy) { i--; len--; continue; } if (o.ttl) { o.ttl--; if (!o.ttl) o.destroyed = true; } o.fireEvent('afterTick'); } } };