const roles = require('../../config/roles'); const events = require('../../misc/events'); const profanities = require('../../misc/profanities'); const canChat = require('./canChat'); const sendRegularMessage = ({ obj }, messageInfo) => { const { source, msg, item } = messageInfo; const prefix = roles.getRoleMessagePrefix(obj) || ''; const prefixClass = roles.getRoleMessageStyle(obj) || 'color-grayB'; const msgClass = item ? `q${item.quality}` : 'color-grayB'; const msgData = { type: 'chat', source, prefix, prefixClass, msg, msgClass, item }; cons.emit('event', { event: 'onGetMessages', data: { messages: [msgData] } }); }; const sendPartyMessage = ({ party, obj }, msg) => { if (!party) { obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'you are not in a party', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } let charname = obj.auth.charname; let message =; party.forEach(p => { let player = cons.players.find(c => === p); player.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-tealC', message: '(party: ' + charname + '): ' + message, type: 'chat', source: }] }] }); }); }; const sendCustomChannelMessage = (cpnSocial, msg) => { const { obj } = cpnSocial; const { data: { message, subType: channel } } = msg; if (!channel) return; if (!cpnSocial.isInChannel(obj, channel)) { obj.socket.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-redA', message: 'You are not currently in that channel', type: 'info' }] }] }); return; } const sendMessage = `[${channel}] ${obj.auth.charname}: ${message}`; const eventData = { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-grayB', message: sendMessage, type: 'chat', subType: 'custom', channel: channel.trim(), source: }] }] }; cons.players.forEach(p => { if (!cpnSocial.isInChannel(p, channel)) return; p.socket.emit('events', eventData); }); }; const sendPrivateMessage = ({ obj: { name: sourceName, socket } }, msg) => { const { data: { message, subType: targetName } } = msg; if (targetName === sourceName) return; let target = cons.players.find(p => === targetName); if (!target) return; socket.emit('event', { event: 'onGetMessages', data: { messages: [{ class: 'color-yellowB', message: '(you to ' + targetName + '): ' + message, type: 'chat', subType: 'privateOut', target: targetName }] } }); target.socket.emit('event', { event: 'onGetMessages', data: { messages: [{ class: 'color-yellowB', message: '(' + sourceName + ' to you): ' + message, type: 'chat', subType: 'privateIn', source: sourceName }] } }); }; const sendErrorMsg = (cpnSocial, msgString) => { cpnSocial.sendMessage(msgString, 'color-redA'); }; module.exports = (cpnSocial, msg) => { const { data: msgData } = msg; if (!msgData.message) return; const { obj, maxChatLength, messageHistory } = cpnSocial; const sendError = sendErrorMsg.bind(null, cpnSocial); msgData.message = msgData.message .split('<') .join('<') .split('>') .join('>'); if (!msgData.message) return; if (msgData.message.trim() === '') return; let messageString = msgData.message; if (messageString.length > maxChatLength) return; let time = +new Date(); messageHistory.spliceWhere(h => ((time - h.time) > 5000)); if (messageHistory.length) { if (messageHistory[messageHistory.length - 1].msg === messageString) { sendError('You have already sent that message'); return; } else if (messageHistory.length >= 3) { sendError('You are sending too many messages'); return; } } cpnSocial.onBeforeChat(msgData); if (msgData.ignore) return; if (!msgData.item && !profanities.isClean(messageString)) { sendError('Profanities detected in message. Blocked.'); return; } if (!canChat(obj, time)) { sendError('Your character needs to be played for at least 3 minutes or be at least level 3 to be able to send messages in chat.'); return; } const msgEvent = { source: obj.auth.charname, sourceObj: obj, msg: messageString, ignore: false, item:, error: null }; events.emit('onBeforeSendMessage', msgEvent); if (msgEvent.ignore) { if (msgEvent.error) sendError(msgEvent.error); return; } messageHistory.push({ msg: msgEvent.msg, time: time }); const messageHandler = { global: sendRegularMessage, custom: sendCustomChannelMessage, direct: sendPrivateMessage, party: sendPartyMessage }[msgData.type]; if (!messageHandler) return; messageHandler(cpnSocial, msgEvent); };