define([ 'misc/pathfinder' ], function( pathfinder ) { var sqrt = Math.sqrt.bind(Math); var ceil = Math.ceil.bind(Math); var random = Math.random.bind(Math); return { graph: null, collisionMap: null, cells: [], width: 0, height: 0, init: function(collisionMap) { this.collisionMap = collisionMap; this.width = collisionMap.length; this.height = collisionMap[0].length; this.cells = _.get2dArray(this.width, this.height, 'array'); this.graph = new pathfinder.Graph(collisionMap, { diagonal: true }); }, addRegion: function(obj) { var lowX = obj.x; var lowY = obj.y; var highX = lowX + obj.width; var highY = lowY + obj.height; var cells = this.cells; for (var i = lowX; i < highX; i++) { var row = cells[i]; for (var j = lowY; j < highY; j++) { if (!row[j]) continue; row[j].push(obj); } } }, addObject: function(obj, x, y, fromX, fromY) { var row = this.cells[x]; if (!row) return; var cell = row[y]; if (!cell) return; var cLen = cell.length; for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { var c = cell[i]; //If we have fromX and fromY, check if the target cell doesn't contain the same obj (like a notice area) if ((c.width) && (fromX)) { if ((fromX < c.x) || (fromY < c.y) || (fromX >= c.x + c.width) || (fromY >= c.y + c.height)) { c.collisionEnter(obj); obj.collisionEnter(c); } } else { //If a callback returns true, it means we collide if (c.collisionEnter(obj)) return; obj.collisionEnter(c); } } cell.push(obj); return true; }, removeObject: function(obj, x, y, toX, toY) { var row = this.cells[x]; if (!row) return; var cell = row[y]; if (!cell) return; var oId =; var cLen = cell.length; for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { var c = cell[i]; if ( != oId) { //If we have toX and toY, check if the target cell doesn't contain the same obj (like a notice area) if ((c.width) && (toX)) { if ((toX < c.x) || (toY < c.y) || (toX >= c.x + c.width) || (toY >= c.y + c.height)) { c.collisionExit(obj); obj.collisionExit(c); } } else { c.collisionExit(obj); obj.collisionExit(c); } } else { cell.splice(i, 1); i--; cLen--; } } }, isValid: function(x, y) { var row = this.cells[x]; if ((!row) || (row.length <= y) || (!this.graph.grid[x][y])) return false; else return true; }, getCell: function(x, y) { var row = this.cells[x]; if (!row) return []; var cell = row[y]; if (!cell) return []; return cell; }, getArea: function(x1, y1, x2, y2, filter) { var width = this.width; var height = this.height; x1 = ~~x1; y1 = ~~y1; x2 = ~~x2; y2 = ~~y2; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 >= width) x2 = width - 1; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y2 >= height) y2 = height - 1; var cells = this.cells; var grid = this.graph.grid; var result = []; for (var i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { var row = cells[i]; var gridRow = grid[i]; for (var j = y1; j <= y2; j++) { if (!gridRow[j]) continue; var cell = row[j]; var cLen = cell.length; for (var k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { var c = cell[k]; if (filter) { if (filter(c)) result.push(c); } else result.push(c); } } } return result; }, getOpenCellInArea: function(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var width = this.width; var height = this.height; x1 = ~~x1; y1 = ~~y1; x2 = ~~x2; y2 = ~~y2; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; else if (x2 >= width) x2 = width - 1; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; else if (y2 >= height) y2 = height - 1; var cells = this.cells; var grid = this.graph.grid; for (var i = x1; i <= x2; i++) { var row = cells[i]; var gridRow = grid[i]; for (var j = y1; j <= y2; j++) { if (!gridRow[j]) continue; var cell = row[j]; if (cell.length == 0) { return { x: i, y: j }; } else { //If the only contents are notices, we can still use it var allNotices = !cell.some(c => !c.notice); if (allNotices) { return { x: i, y: j }; } } } } return null; }, getPath: function(from, to) { var graph = this.graph; var grid = graph.grid; if (!to) { to = { x: ~~(random() * grid.length), y: ~~(random() * grid[0].length) }; } var fromX = ~~from.x; var fromY = ~~from.y; if ((!grid[fromX]) || (grid[fromX].length <= fromY) || (fromX < 0) || (fromY < 0)) return []; var toX = ~~to.x; var toY = ~~to.y; if ((!grid[toX]) || (grid[toX].length <= toY) || (toX < 0) || (toY < 0)) return []; var path =, { x: fromX, y: fromY }, { x: toX, y: toY }, { closest: true }); return path; }, isTileBlocking: function(x, y) { if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= this.width) | (y >= this.height)) return true; x = ~~x; y = ~~y; var node = this.graph.grid[x][y]; if (node) return node.isWall(); else return true; }, isCellOpen: function(x, y) { if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= this.width) | (y >= this.height)) return true; var cells = this.cells[x][y]; var cLen = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { var c = cells[i]; if (!c.notice) return false; } return true; }, hasLos: function(fromX, fromY, toX, toY) { if ((fromX < 0) || (fromY < 0) || (fromX >= this.width) | (fromY >= this.height) || (toX < 0) || (toY < 0) || (toX >= this.width) | (toY >= this.height)) return false; var graphGrid = this.graph.grid; if ((!graphGrid[fromX][fromY]) || (!graphGrid[toX][toY])) return false; var dx = toX - fromX; var dy = toY - fromY; var distance = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); dx /= distance; dy /= distance; fromX += 0.5; fromY += 0.5; distance = ceil(distance); var x = 0; var y = 0; for (var i = 0; i < distance; i++) { fromX += dx; fromY += dy; x = ~~fromX; y = ~~fromY; if (!graphGrid[x][y]) return false; else if ((x == toX) && (y == toY)) return true; } return true; }, getClosestPos: function(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, target) { var tried = {}; var hasLos = this.hasLos.bind(this, toX, toY); var width = this.width; var height = this.height; var collisionMap = this.collisionMap; var cells = this.cells; var reverseX = (fromX > toX); var reverseY = (fromY > toY); for (var c = 1; c <= 10; c++) { var x1 = toX - c; var y1 = toY - c; var x2 = toX + c; var y2 = toY + c; var lowX, lowY, highX, highY, incX, incY; if (reverseX) { incX = -1; lowX = x2; highX = x1 - 1; } else { incX = 1; lowX = x1; highX = x2 + 1; } if (reverseY) { incY = -1; lowY = y2; highY = y1 - 1; } else { incY = 1; lowY = y1; highY = y2 + 1; } for (var i = lowX; i != highX; i += incX) { if ((i < 0) || (i >= width)) continue; var row = collisionMap[i]; var cellRow = cells[i]; var t = tried[i]; if (!t) { t = tried[i] = {}; } for (var j = lowY; j != highY; j += incY) { if (t[j]) continue; t[j] = 1; if ( ((i == toX) && (j == toY)) || ((j < 0) || (j >= height)) || (row[j]) ) continue; var cell = cellRow[j]; var cLen = cell.length; var blocking = false; for (var k = 0; k < cLen; k++) { var aggro = cell[k].aggro; if (aggro) { blocking = aggro.list.some(a => a.obj == target); if (blocking) break; } } if (blocking) continue; else if (!hasLos(i, j)) continue; return { x: i, y: j }; } } } }, mobsCollide: function(x, y, obj) { if ((x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= this.width) | (y >= this.height)) return true; var cell = this.cells[x][y]; var cLen = cell.length; if (cLen == 1) return false; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { var c = cell[i]; if (c.aggro) { if ((!found) && (c == obj)) found = true; else return true; } } return false; }, setCollision: function(x, y, collides) { var grid = this.graph.grid; if (!grid[x][y]) { grid[x][y] = new pathfinder.astar.GridNode(x, y, collides ? 0 : 1); } else { grid[x][y].weight = collides ? 0 : 1; pathfinder.astar.cleanNode(grid[x][y]); } } }; });