define([ 'js/system/client', 'ui/factory', 'js/rendering/renderer', 'js/objects/objects', 'js/rendering/effects', 'js/rendering/numbers', 'js/input', 'js/system/events', 'js/resources', 'js/sound/sound', 'js/system/globals', 'js/components/components', 'ui/templates/online/online', 'ui/templates/tooltips/tooltips' ], function ( client, uiFactory, renderer, objects, effects, numbers, input, events, resources, sound, globals, components ) { let fnQueueTick = null; const getQueueTick = updateMethod => { return () => requestAnimationFrame(updateMethod); }; const loadLongPress = async () => { return new Promise(res => { require(['longPress'], res); }); }; return { hasFocus: true, lastRender: 0, msPerFrame: ~~(1000 / 60), init: async function () { if (isMobile) { $('.ui-container').addClass('mobile'); //If we're on an ios device, we need to load longPress since that polyfills contextmenu for us if (_.isIos()) await loadLongPress(); } if ('hideMonetization')) $('.ui-container').addClass('hideMonetization'); client.init(this.onClientReady.bind(this)); }, onClientReady: function () { client.request({ module: 'clientConfig', method: 'getClientConfig', callback: this.onGetClientConfig.bind(this) }); }, onGetClientConfig: async function (config) { globals.clientConfig = config; await resources.init(); await components.init(); events.emit('onResourcesLoaded'); this.start(); }, start: function () { window.onfocus = this.onFocus.bind(this, true); window.onblur = this.onFocus.bind(this, false); $(window).on('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu.bind(this)); sound.init(); objects.init(); renderer.init(); input.init(); numbers.init(); uiFactory.init(null); fnQueueTick = getQueueTick(this.update.bind(this)); fnQueueTick(); $('.loader-container').remove(); }, onFocus: function (hasFocus) { //Hack: Later we might want to make it not render when out of focus this.hasFocus = true; if (!hasFocus) input.resetKeys(); }, onContextMenu: function (e) { const allowed = ['txtUsername', 'txtPassword'].some(s => $(; if (!allowed) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }, update: function () { const time = +new Date(); if (time - this.lastRender < this.msPerFrame - 1) { fnQueueTick(); return; } objects.update(); renderer.update(); uiFactory.update(); numbers.update(); renderer.render(); this.lastRender = time; fnQueueTick(); } }; });