const eventEmitter = require('../misc/events'); module.exports = { type: 'door', locked: false, closed: true, key: null, autoCloseCd: 0, autoClose: null, destroyKey: false, openSprite: 157, closedSprite: 156, init: function (blueprint) { this.locked = blueprint.locked; this.key = blueprint.key; this.destroyKey = blueprint.destroyKey; this.autoClose = blueprint.autoClose; if (blueprint.openSprite) this.openSprite = blueprint.openSprite; if (blueprint.closedSprite) this.closedSprite = blueprint.closedSprite; if (this.closed) { this.obj.instance.physics.setCollision(this.obj.x, this.obj.y, true); this.obj.instance.objects.notifyCollisionChange(this.obj.x, this.obj.y, true); } this.obj.instance.objects.buildObjects([{ properties: { x: this.obj.x - 1, y: this.obj.y - 1, width: 3, height: 3, cpnNotice: { actions: { enter: { cpn: 'door', method: 'enterArea', targetId:, args: [] }, exit: { cpn: 'door', method: 'exitArea', targetId:, args: [] } } } } }]); }, canActorUnlockThis: function (obj) { const actorHasKey = obj.inventory.items.some(({ keyId }) => keyId === this.key); if (actorHasKey) return true; const unlockEventMsg = { source: obj, target: this, canUnlock: false }; eventEmitter.emit('onBeforeUnlockObject', unlockEventMsg); return unlockEventMsg.canUnlock; }, exitArea: function (obj) { if (!obj.player) return; obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'serverActions', 'removeActions', { key: 'u', action: { targetId:, cpn: 'door', method: 'unlock' } }); }, enterArea: function (obj) { if (!obj.player) return; let canAction = true; let msg = 'Press U to open this door'; if (this.closed) { if (this.locked && !this.canActorUnlockThis(obj)) { canAction = false; msg = 'You don\'t have the key to unlock this door'; } } else msg = 'Press U to close this door'; if (canAction) { obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'serverActions', 'addActions', { key: 'u', name: this.closed ? 'open door' : 'close door', action: { targetId:, cpn: 'door', method: 'unlock' } }); } this.obj.instance.syncer.queue('onGetAnnouncement', { src:, msg: msg }, [obj.serverId]); }, unlock: function (msg) { if (!msg.sourceId) return; let obj = this.obj.instance.objects.objects.find(o => o.serverId === msg.sourceId); if ((!obj) || (!obj.player)) return; let thisObj = this.obj; if ((Math.abs(thisObj.x - obj.x) > 1) || (Math.abs(thisObj.y - obj.y) > 1)) return; else if ((thisObj.x === obj.x) && (thisObj.y === obj.y)) return; let syncO = thisObj.syncer.o; if ((this.locked) && (this.closed)) { if (this.autoClose) this.autoCloseCd = this.autoClose; const canUnlock = this.canActorUnlockThis(obj); if (!canUnlock) return; const key = obj.inventory.items.find(i => i.keyId === this.key); if (key && (key.singleUse || this.destroyKey)) { obj.inventory.destroyItem(, 1); const message = `The ${} disintegrates on use`;{ message }); } this.obj.instance.syncer.queue('onDoorUnlock', null, [obj.serverId]); } if (this.closed) { thisObj.cell = this.openSprite; syncO.cell = this.openSprite; this.obj.instance.physics.setCollision(thisObj.x, thisObj.y, false); this.obj.instance.objects.notifyCollisionChange(thisObj.x, thisObj.y, false); this.closed = false; this.enterArea(obj); this.obj.instance.syncer.queue('onDoorOpen', null, [obj.serverId]); } else { thisObj.cell = this.closedSprite; syncO.cell = this.closedSprite; this.obj.instance.physics.setCollision(thisObj.x, thisObj.y, true); this.obj.instance.objects.notifyCollisionChange(thisObj.x, thisObj.y, true); this.closed = true; this.enterArea(obj); this.obj.instance.syncer.queue('onDoorClose', null, [obj.serverId]); } }, update: function () { if (!this.autoCloseCd) return; this.autoCloseCd--; if (this.autoCloseCd === 0) { this.obj.cell = this.closedSprite; this.obj.syncer.o.cell = this.closedSprite; this.obj.instance.physics.setCollision(this.obj.x, this.obj.y, true); this.closed = true; } }, destroy: function () { this.obj.instance.physics.setCollision(this.obj.x, this.obj.y, false); this.obj.instance.objects.notifyCollisionChange(this.obj.x, this.obj.y, false); } };