const { applyItemStats } = require('./equipment/helpers'); module.exports = { type: 'equipment', eq: {}, quickSlots: {}, init: function (blueprint) { }, transfer: function () { if (this.eqTransfer) { this.eq = this.eqTransfer; delete this.eqTransfer; } }, simplify: function (self) { return { type: 'equipment', eq: {}, quickSlots: this.quickSlots, eqTransfer: this.eq }; }, isSlotEmpty: function (slot) { return !this.eq.has(slot); }, equip: function (itemId) { let slot = null; if (typeof (itemId) === 'object') { slot = itemId.slot; itemId = itemId.itemId; } let obj = this.obj; let inventory = obj.inventory; let item = inventory.findItem(itemId); if (!item || item.eq) return; else if ((!item.slot) || (item.material) || ( || (item.ability) || (!inventory.canEquipItem(item))) { item.eq = false; return; } if (!slot) slot = item.equipSlot || item.slot; if (slot === 'twoHanded') { if (this.eq.has('offHand')) this.unequip({ itemId: this.eq.offHand }, true); slot = 'oneHanded'; } else if (slot === 'offHand') { if (this.eq.has('oneHanded')) { let oneHandedEq = inventory.findItem(this.eq.oneHanded); if (oneHandedEq.slot === 'twoHanded') this.unequip({ itemId: this.eq.oneHanded }, true); } } let equipMsg = { success: true, item: item }; obj.fireEvent('beforeEquipItem', equipMsg); if (!equipMsg.success) { const message = equipMsg.msg || 'you cannot equip that item';{ message }); return; } delete item.pos; if (slot === 'finger') { let f1 = (this.eq.has('finger-1')); let f2 = (this.eq.has('finger-2')); if ((f1) && (f2)) slot = 'finger-1'; else if (!f1) slot = 'finger-1'; else if (!f2) slot = 'finger-2'; } if (this.eq.has(slot)) { if (this.eq[slot] === return; this.unequip({ itemId: this.eq[slot] }, true); } applyItemStats(obj, item, true); item.eq = true; this.eq[slot] = itemId; item.equipSlot = slot; if (obj.spellbook) obj.spellbook.calcDps(); if ((!obj.mob) || (item.ability)) { if (item.spell) inventory.learnAbility({ itemId, slot: item.runeSlot, bypassEqCheck: true }); else obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', inventory.simplifyItem(item)); } obj.fireEvent('afterEquipItem', item); }, unequip: function (itemId, ignoreSpaceCheck) { let item = itemId; if (typeof (itemId) === 'object') itemId = itemId.itemId; let obj = this.obj; let inventory = obj.inventory; if (typeof(item) !== 'object' || !item.has('id')) item = inventory.findItem(itemId); if (!item || !item.eq) return; else if (!ignoreSpaceCheck && !inventory.hasSpace()) { const message = 'You do not have room in your inventory to unequip that item';{ message }); return; } delete item.eq; delete this.eq[item.equipSlot]; delete item.equipSlot; applyItemStats(obj, item, false); inventory.setItemPosition(itemId); if (item.spell) { item.eq = true; inventory.unlearnAbility({ itemId }); } else obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', inventory.simplifyItem(item)); obj.spellbook.calcDps(); obj.fireEvent('afterUnequipItem', item); this.unequipAttrRqrGear(); }, unequipAll: function () { let eq = this.eq; Object.keys(this.eq).forEach(function (slot) { this.unequip({ itemId: eq[slot] }); }, this); }, setQuickSlot: function (msg) { let obj = this.obj; const inventory = obj.inventory; if (!msg.has('itemId') && this.quickSlots.has(msg.slot)) { let currentQuickItem = inventory.findItem(this.quickSlots[msg.slot]); if (!currentQuickItem) return; delete this.quickSlots[msg.slot]; delete currentQuickItem.quickSlot; obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', currentQuickItem); return; } let item = inventory.findItem(msg.itemId); if (!item) return; let currentQuickId = this.quickSlots[msg.slot]; if (currentQuickId) { let currentQuickItem = inventory.findItem(currentQuickId); if (currentQuickItem) { delete currentQuickItem.quickSlot; obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', currentQuickItem); } } this.quickSlots[msg.slot] = msg.itemId; item.quickSlot = msg.slot; obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', item); }, useQuickSlot: function (msg) { if (!this.quickSlots.has(msg.slot)) return; const inventory = this.obj.inventory; //If the item has been used up, find another one with the same name const item = inventory.findItem(this.quickSlots[0]); if (!item) return; inventory.useItem({ itemId: this.quickSlots[0] }); if (item.uses <= 0 && !item.quantity) this.replaceQuickSlot(item); }, replaceQuickSlot: function (item) { const newItem = this.obj.inventory.items.find(f => ===; if (newItem) { newItem.quickSlot = 0; this.quickSlots[0] =; this.obj.syncer.setArray(true, 'inventory', 'getItems', newItem); } else delete this.quickSlots[0]; }, unequipAttrRqrGear: function () { let inventory = this.obj.inventory; let eq = this.eq; Object.keys(this.eq).forEach(function (slot) { let itemId = eq[slot]; let item = inventory.findItem(itemId); if (!item) return; let errors = inventory.equipItemErrors(item); if (errors.length > 0) { this.unequip({ itemId: itemId }); let message = ({ int: `You suddenly feel too stupid to wear your ${}`, str: `Your weak body can no longer equip your ${}`, dex: `Your sluggish physique cannot possibly equip your ${}`, level: `Your level is too low to equip your ${}` })[errors[0]];{ message, type: 'rep' }); } }, this); }, unequipFactionGear: function (factionId, tier) { let inventory = this.obj.inventory; let eq = this.eq; Object.keys(this.eq).forEach(function (slot) { let itemId = eq[slot]; let item = inventory.findItem(itemId); if (!item) { console.log({ error: 'item not found', itemId, slot, factionId, tier, character:, eq: this.eq }); return; } let factions = item.factions; if (!factions) return; let findFaction = factions.find(f => === factionId); if (!findFaction) return; if (findFaction.tier > tier) { this.unequip({ itemId }); const message = `You unequip your ${} as it zaps you.`;{ message, type: 'rep' }); } }, this); }, inspect: function (msg) { const targetPlayer = this.obj.instance.objects.find(o => === msg.playerId); if (!targetPlayer || !targetPlayer.player) return; const targetEq = targetPlayer.inventory.items.filter(eq => eq.eq === true || eq.quickSlot === 0); const targetStats = targetPlayer.stats.values; const mappedEq = => targetPlayer.inventory.simplifyItem(m)); const mappedStats = extend({}, targetStats); let result = { equipment: mappedEq, stats: mappedStats }; this.obj.instance.syncer.queue('onInspectTarget', result, [this.obj.serverId]); } };