//External Modules const objects = require('../objects/objects'); //Helpers const { route, routeGlobal } = require('./connections/route'); //Module module.exports = { players: [], sockets: null, playing: 0, onHandshake: function (socket) { if (this.players.some(f => f.socket.id === socket.id)) return; const p = objects.build(); p.socket = socket; p.addComponent('auth'); p.addComponent('player'); objects.pushObjectToList(p); this.players.push(p); }, onDisconnect: async function (socket) { let player = this.players.find(p => p.socket.id === socket.id); if (!player) return; let sessionDuration = 0; if (player.has('id')) { if (player.social) player.social.dc(); sessionDuration = ~~(((+new Date()) - player.player.sessionStart) / 1000); atlas.updateObject(player, { components: [{ type: 'stats', sessionDuration: sessionDuration }] }); //If the player doesn't have a 'social' component, they are no longer in a threat // Likely due to unzoning (character select screen) // Also, rezoning is set to true while rezoning so we don't try to remove objects // from zones if they are currently rezoning if (player.components.some(c => c.type === 'social') && player.rezoning !== true) { await new Promise(res => { atlas.removeObject(player, false, res); }); } } if (player.name) { this.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-blueB', message: player.name + ' has gone offline' }] }], onGetDisconnectedPlayer: [player.name] }); if (player.has('id')) this.modifyPlayerCount(-1); } this.players.spliceWhere(p => p.socket.id === socket.id); }, route: function (socket, msg) { route.call(this, socket, msg); }, routeGlobal: function (msg) { routeGlobal.call(this, msg); }, unzone: async function (msg) { let socket = msg.socket; let player = this.players.find(p => p.socket.id === socket.id); if (!player) return; if (player.social) player.social.dc(); await new Promise(res => { atlas.removeObject(player, true, res); }); let keys = Object.keys(player); keys.forEach(function (k) { let val = player[k]; if (val && val.type) { if (['player', 'auth', 'syncer'].indexOf(val.type) === -1) { delete player[k]; player.components.spliceWhere(c => c.type === val.type); } } }); this.emit('events', { onGetMessages: [{ messages: [{ class: 'color-blueB', message: player.name + ' has gone offline' }] }], onGetDisconnectedPlayer: [player.name] }); //If we don't do this, the atlas will try to remove it from the thread delete player.zoneName; delete player.name; //A hack to allow us to actually call methods again (like retrieve the player list) player.dead = false; player.permadead = false; delete player.auth.charname; this.modifyPlayerCount(-1); msg.callback(); }, logOut: async function (exclude) { const { players } = this; let pLen = players.length; for (let i = 0; i < pLen; i++) { const p = players[i]; if (!p || p === exclude || !p.auth) continue; else if (p.auth.username === exclude.auth.username) { if (p.name && p.zoneId) await atlas.forceSavePlayer(p.id, p.zoneId); if (p.socket?.connected) p.socket.emit('dc', {}); else { players.splice(i, 1); i--; pLen--; } } } }, emit: function (event, msg) { this.sockets.emit(event, msg); }, getCharacterList: function () { let result = []; let players = this.players; let pLen = players.length; for (let i = 0; i < pLen; i++) { let p = players[i]; if (!p.name) continue; result.push({ zoneName: p.zoneName, zoneId: p.zoneId, name: p.name, level: p.level, class: p.class, id: p.id }); } return result; }, forceSaveAll: async function () { const promises = this.players .filter(p => p.zoneName !== undefined) .map(p => { const promise = new Promise(res => { const msg = { cpn: 'auth', method: 'doSaveManual', data: { callbackId: atlas.registerCallback(res) } }; atlas.performAction(p, msg); }); return promise; }); await Promise.all(promises); }, modifyPlayerCount: function (delta) { this.playing += delta; } };