define([ 'js/system/events', 'js/system/client', 'html!ui/templates/inventory/template', 'css!ui/templates/inventory/styles', 'html!ui/templates/inventory/templateItem', 'html!ui/templates/inventory/templateTooltip', 'js/input' ], function ( events, client, template, styles, tplItem, tplTooltip, input ) { return { tpl: template, centered: true, items: [], shiftDown: false, ctrlDown: false, dragItem: null, dragEl: null, hoverCell: null, modal: true, oldSpellsZIndex: 0, postRender: function () { this.onEvent('onGetItems', this.onGetItems.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onDestroyItems', this.onDestroyItems.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onShowInventory', this.toggle.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onKeyDown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onKeyUp', this.onKeyUp.bind(this)); this.find('.grid') .on('mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this)) .on('mouseleave', this.onMouseDown.bind(this, null, null, false)); this.find('.split-box .amount') .on('mousewheel', this.onChangeStackAmount.bind(this)) .on('input', this.onEnterStackAmount.bind(this)); this.find('.split-box').on('click', this.splitStackEnd.bind(this, true)); this.find('.split-box .btnSplit').on('click', this.splitStackEnd.bind(this, null)); this.find('.split-box .btnLess').on('click', this.onChangeStackAmount.bind(this, null, -1)); this.find('.split-box .btnMore').on('click', this.onChangeStackAmount.bind(this, null, 1)); }, build: function () { let container = this.el.find('.grid') .empty(); let items = this.items .filter(function (item) { return !item.eq; }); let iLen = Math.max(items.length, 50); let rendered = []; for (let i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { let itemEl = null; let item = items.find(f => (f.pos !== null && f.pos === i)); if (!item) { itemEl = $(tplItem) .appendTo(container); itemEl .on('mouseup', this.onMouseDown.bind(this, null, null, false)) .on('mousemove', this.onHover.bind(this, itemEl, item)) .on('mouseleave', this.hideTooltip.bind(this, itemEl, item)) .children() .remove(); continue; } else rendered.push(item); let imgX = -item.sprite[0] * 64; let imgY = -item.sprite[1] * 64; itemEl = $(tplItem) .appendTo(container); let spritesheet = item.spritesheet || '../../../images/items.png'; if (!item.spritesheet) { if (item.material) spritesheet = '../../../images/materials.png'; else if ( spritesheet = '../../../images/questItems.png'; else if (item.type === 'consumable') spritesheet = '../../../images/consumables.png'; } itemEl .data('item', item) .on('click', this.onClick.bind(this, item)) .on('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this, itemEl, item, true)) .on('mouseup', this.onMouseDown.bind(this, null, null, false)) .on('mousemove', this.onHover.bind(this, itemEl, item)) .on('mouseleave', this.hideTooltip.bind(this, itemEl, item)) .find('.icon') .css('background', 'url(' + spritesheet + ') ' + imgX + 'px ' + imgY + 'px') .on('contextmenu', this.showContext.bind(this, item)); if (item.quantity > 1 || item.eq || || item.has('quickSlot')) { let elQuantity = itemEl.find('.quantity'); let txtQuantity = item.quantity; if (!txtQuantity) txtQuantity = item.has('quickSlot') ? 'QS' : 'EQ'; elQuantity.html(txtQuantity); //If the item doesn't have a quantity and we reach this point //it must mean that it's active, EQd or QSd if (!item.quantity) itemEl.addClass('eq'); } else if (item.isNew) { itemEl.addClass('new'); itemEl.find('.quantity').html('NEW'); } } }, onClick: function (item) { let msg = { item: item, success: true }; events.emit('beforeInventoryClickItem', msg); if (!msg.success) return; if (!this.ctrlDown) return; client.request({ cpn: 'social', method: 'chat', data: { message: '{' + + '}', item: item } }); }, onMouseDown: function (el, item, down, e) { if (e.button !== 0) return; if (down) { this.dragEl = el.clone() .appendTo(this.find('.grid')) .hide() .on('mouseup', this.onMouseDown.bind(this, null, null, false)) .addClass('dragging'); this.dragItem = el; events.emit('onHideItemTooltip', this.hoverItem); this.hoverItem = null; } else if (this.dragItem) { let method = 'moveItem'; if ((this.hoverCell) && (this.hoverCell[0] !== this.dragItem[0])) { let placeholder = $('
') .insertAfter(this.dragItem); this.dragItem.insertBefore(this.hoverCell); this.hoverCell.insertBefore(placeholder); placeholder.remove(); let msgs = [{ id:'item').id, pos: this.dragItem.index() }]; this.items.find(function (i) { return ( ==='item').id); }, this).pos = this.dragItem.index(); let hoverCellItem ='item'); if (hoverCellItem) { if (( !=='item').name) || (!hoverCellItem.quantity)) { msgs.push({ id:, pos: this.hoverCell.index() }); this.items.find(function (i) { return ( ===; }, this).pos = this.hoverCell.index(); } else { method = 'combineStacks'; msgs = { fromId:'item').id, toId: }; } } client.request({ cpn: 'player', method: 'performAction', data: { cpn: 'inventory', method: method, data: msgs } });; } this.dragItem = null; this.dragEl.remove(); this.dragEl = null; this.hoverCell = null; this.find('.hover').removeClass('hover'); } }, onMouseMove: function (e) { if (!this.dragEl) return; let offset = this.find('.grid').offset(); this.dragEl.css({ left: e.clientX - offset.left - 40, top: e.clientY - - 40, display: 'block' }); }, showContext: function (item, e) { let menuItems = { drop: { text: 'drop', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'dropItem') }, destroy: { text: 'destroy', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'destroyItem') }, salvage: { text: 'salvage', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'salvageItem') }, stash: { text: 'stash', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'stashItem') }, learn: { text: 'learn', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'learnAbility') }, quickSlot: { text: 'quickslot', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'setQuickSlot') }, activate: { text: 'activate', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'activateMtx') }, use: { text: 'use', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'useItem') }, equip: { text: 'equip', callback: this.performItemAction.bind(this, item, 'equip') }, augment: { text: 'craft', callback: this.openAugmentUi.bind(this, item) }, mail: { text: 'mail', callback: this.openMailUi.bind(this, item) }, split: { text: 'split stack', callback: this.splitStackStart.bind(this, item) }, divider: '----------' }; if (item.eq) { menuItems.learn.text = 'unlearn'; menuItems.equip.text = 'unequip'; } if ( menuItems.activate.text = 'deactivate'; let config = []; if (item.ability) config.push(menuItems.learn); else if (item.type === 'mtx') config.push(menuItems.activate); else if (item.type === 'toy' || item.type === 'consumable' || item.useText) { if (item.useText) menuItems.use.text = item.useText; config.push(menuItems.use); if (!item.has('quickSlot')) config.push(menuItems.quickSlot); } else if (item.slot) { config.push(menuItems.equip); if (!item.eq) config.push(menuItems.divider); if (!item.eq) { config.push(menuItems.augment); config.push(menuItems.divider); } } if ((!item.eq) && (! { if (! { if (( && (!item.noStash)) config.push(menuItems.stash); if (!item.noDrop) config.push(menuItems.drop); if ((!item.material) && (!item.noSalvage)) config.push(menuItems.salvage); } if (!item.noDestroy) config.push(menuItems.destroy); } if (item.quantity > 1) config.push(menuItems.split); if ((!item.noDrop) && (! config.push(menuItems.mail); if (config.length > 0) events.emit('onContextMenu', config, e); e.preventDefault(); return false; }, splitStackStart: function (item) { let box = this.find('.split-box').show();'item', item); box.find('.amount') .val('1') .focus(); }, splitStackEnd: function (cancel, e) { let box = this.find('.split-box'); if ((cancel) || (!e) || ( !== box.find('.btnSplit')[0])) { if ((cancel) && (!$('button'))) box.hide(); return; } box.hide(); client.request({ cpn: 'player', method: 'performAction', data: { cpn: 'inventory', method: 'splitStack', data: { itemId:'item').id, stackSize: ~~this.find('.split-box .amount').val() } } }); }, onChangeStackAmount: function (e, amount) { let item = this.find('.split-box').data('item'); let delta = amount; if (e) delta = (e.originalEvent.deltaY > 0) ? -1 : 1; if (this.shiftDown) delta *= 10; let elAmount = this.find('.split-box .amount'); elAmount.val(Math.max(1, Math.min(item.quantity - 1, ~~elAmount.val() + delta))); }, onEnterStackAmount: function (e) { let el = this.find('.split-box .amount'); let val = el.val(); if (val !== ~~val) el.val(''); else if (val) { let item = this.find('.split-box').data('item'); if (val < 0) val = ''; else if (val > item.quantity - 1) val = item.quantity - 1; el.val(val); } }, hideTooltip: function () { if (this.dragEl) { this.hoverCell = null; return; } events.emit('onHideItemTooltip', this.hoverItem); this.hoverItem = null; }, onHover: function (el, item, e) { if (this.dragEl) { this.hoverCell = el; this.find('.hover').removeClass('hover'); el.addClass('hover'); return; } if (item) this.hoverItem = item; else item = this.hoverItem; if (!item) return; let ttPos = null; if (el) { if (el.hasClass('new')) { el.removeClass('new'); el.find('.quantity').html((item.quantity > 1) ? item.quantity : ''); delete item.isNew; } ttPos = { x: ~~(e.clientX + 32), y: ~~(e.clientY) }; } let compare = null; if (item.slot) { compare = this.items.find(function (i) { return ((i.eq) && (i.slot === item.slot)); }); // check special cases for mismatched weapon/offhand scenarios (only valid when comparing) if ((!compare) && (this.shiftDown)) { let equippedTwoHanded = this.items.find(function (i) { return ((i.eq) && (i.slot === 'twoHanded')); }); let equippedOneHanded = this.items.find(function (i) { return ((i.eq) && (i.slot === 'oneHanded')); }); let equippedOffhand = this.items.find(function (i) { return ((i.eq) && (i.slot === 'offHand')); }); if (item.slot === 'twoHanded') { if (!equippedOneHanded) compare = equippedOffhand; else if (!equippedOffhand) compare = equippedOneHanded; else { // compare against oneHanded and offHand combined by creating a virtual item that is the sum of the two compare = $.extend(true, {}, equippedOneHanded); compare.refItem = equippedOneHanded; for (let s in equippedOffhand.stats) { if (!compare.stats[s]) compare.stats[s] = 0; compare.stats[s] += equippedOffhand.stats[s]; } } } if (item.slot === 'oneHanded') compare = equippedTwoHanded; // this case is kind of ugly, but we don't want to go in when comparing an offHand to (oneHanded + empty offHand) - that should just use the normal compare which is offHand to empty if ((item.slot === 'offHand') && (equippedTwoHanded)) { // since we're comparing an offhand to an equipped Twohander, we need to clone the 'spell' values over (setting damage to zero) so that we can properly display how much damage // the player would lose by switching to the offhand (which would remove the twoHander) // keep a reference to the original item for use in onHideToolTip let spellClone = $.extend(true, {}, equippedTwoHanded.spell); = ''; spellClone.values.damage = 0; let clone = $.extend(true, {}, item, { spell: spellClone }); clone.refItem = item; item = clone; compare = equippedTwoHanded; } } } events.emit('onShowItemTooltip', item, ttPos, compare, false, this.shiftDown); }, onGetItems: function (items, rerender) { this.items = items; if ((this.shown) && (rerender)); }, onDestroyItems: function (itemIds) { itemIds.forEach(function (id) { let item = this.items.find(i => === id); if (item === this.hoverItem) this.hideTooltip(); this.items.spliceWhere(i => === id); }, this); if (this.shown); }, toggle: function (show) { this.shown = !':visible'); if (this.shown) { this.find('.split-box').hide();;; } else { this.hide(); events.emit('onHideInventory'); events.emit('onHideContextMenu'); } this.hideTooltip(); }, beforeDestroy: function () { this.el.parent().css('background-color', 'transparent'); this.el.parent().removeClass('blocking'); }, beforeHide: function () { if (this.oldSpellsZIndex) { $('.uiSpells').css('z-index', this.oldSpellsZIndex); this.oldSpellsZIndex = null; } }, performItemAction: function (item, action) { if (!item) return; else if ((action === 'equip') && ((item.material) || ( || (item.type === 'mtx') || (!window.player.inventory.canEquipItem(item)))) return; else if ((action === 'learnAbility') && (!window.player.inventory.canEquipItem(item))) return; else if ((action === 'activateMtx') && (item.type !== 'mtx')) return; let data =; let cpn = 'inventory'; if (['equip', 'setQuickSlot'].includes(action)) { cpn = 'equipment'; if (action === 'setQuickSlot') { data = { itemId:, slot: 0 }; } } if (action === 'useItem') this.hide(); client.request({ cpn: 'player', method: 'performAction', data: { cpn: cpn, method: action, data: data } }); }, openAugmentUi: function (item) { events.emit('onSetSmithItem', { item: item }); }, openMailUi: function (item) { events.emit('onSetMailItem', { item: item }); }, onKeyDown: function (key) { if (key === 'i') this.toggle(); else if (key === 'shift') { this.shiftDown = true; if (this.hoverItem) this.onHover(); } else if (key === 'ctrl') this.ctrlDown = true; }, onKeyUp: function (key) { if (key === 'shift') { this.shiftDown = false; if (this.hoverItem) this.onHover(); } else if (key === 'ctrl') this.ctrlDown = false; } }; });