define([ 'js/system/events', 'css!ui/templates/tooltipItem/styles', 'html!ui/templates/tooltipItem/template', 'html!ui/templates/tooltipItem/templateTooltip', 'js/misc/statTranslations' ], function ( events, styles, template, tplTooltip, statTranslations ) { let percentageStats = [ 'addCritChance', 'addCritMultiplier', 'addAttackCritChance', 'addAttackCritMultiplier', 'addSpellCritChance', 'addSpellCritMultiplier', 'sprintChance', 'xpIncrease', 'blockAttackChance', 'blockSpellChance', 'dodgeAttackChance', 'dodgeSpellChance', 'attackSpeed', 'castSpeed', 'itemQuantity', 'magicFind', 'catchChance', 'catchSpeed', 'fishRarity', 'fishWeight', 'fishItems' ]; return { tpl: template, type: 'tooltipItem', tooltip: null, item: null, postRender: function () { this.tooltip = this.el.find('.tooltip'); this.onEvent('onShowItemTooltip', this.onShowItemTooltip.bind(this)); this.onEvent('onHideItemTooltip', this.onHideItemTooltip.bind(this)); }, onHideItemTooltip: function (item) { if ( (!this.item) || ( (this.item !== item) && (this.item.refItem) && (this.item.refItem !== item) ) ) return; this.item = null; this.tooltip.hide(); }, onShowItemTooltip: function (item, pos, compare, bottomAlign, shiftDown) { this.item = item; let tempStats = $.extend(true, {}, item.stats); let enchantedStats = item.enchantedStats || {}; if ((compare) && (shiftDown)) { if (!item.eq) { let compareStats = compare.stats; for (let s in tempStats) { if (compareStats[s]) { let delta = tempStats[s] - compareStats[s]; if (delta > 0) tempStats[s] = '+' + delta; else if (delta < 0) tempStats[s] = delta; } else tempStats[s] = '+' + tempStats[s]; } for (let s in compareStats) { if (!tempStats[s]) tempStats[s] = -compareStats[s]; } } } else { Object.keys(tempStats).forEach(function (s) { if (enchantedStats[s]) { tempStats[s] -= enchantedStats[s]; if (tempStats[s] <= 0) delete tempStats[s]; tempStats['_' + s] = enchantedStats[s]; } }); } let stats = Object.keys(tempStats) .map(function (s) { let isEnchanted = (s[0] === '_'); let statName = s; if (isEnchanted) statName = statName.substr(1); statName = statTranslations.translate(statName); let value = tempStats[s]; if (percentageStats.indexOf(s) > -1) value += '%'; else if ((s.indexOf('element') === 0) && (s.indexOf('Resist') === -1)) value += '%'; let row = value + ' ' + statName; let rowClass = ''; if (compare) { if (row.indexOf('-') > -1) rowClass = 'loseStat'; else if (row.indexOf('+') > -1) rowClass = 'gainStat'; } if (isEnchanted) rowClass += ' enchanted'; row = '
' + row + '
'; return row; }, this) .sort(function (a, b) { return (a.replace(' enchanted', '').length - b.replace(' enchanted', '').length); }) .sort(function (a, b) { if ((a.indexOf('enchanted') > -1) && (b.indexOf('enchanted') === -1)) return 1; else if ((a.indexOf('enchanted') === -1) && (b.indexOf('enchanted') > -1)) return -1; return 0; }) .join(''); let implicitStats = (item.implicitStats || []).map(function (s) { let stat = s.stat; let statName = statTranslations.translate(stat); let value = s.value; if (percentageStats.indexOf(stat) > -1) value += '%'; else if ((stat.indexOf('element') === 0) && (stat.indexOf('Resist') === -1)) value += '%'; let row = value + ' ' + statName; let rowClass = ''; row = '
' + row + '
'; return row; }).join(''); let itemName =; if (item.quantity > 1) itemName += ' x' + item.quantity; let level = null; if (item.level) level = item.level.push ? item.level[0] + ' - ' + item.level[1] : item.level; let html = tplTooltip .replace('$NAME$', itemName) .replace('$QUALITY$', item.quality) .replace('$TYPE$', item.type) .replace('$SLOT$', item.slot) .replace('$IMPLICITSTATS$', implicitStats) .replace('$STATS$', stats) .replace('$LEVEL$', level); if (item.requires) { html = html .replace('$ATTRIBUTE$', item.requires[0].stat) .replace('$ATTRIBUTEVALUE$', item.requires[0].value); } if (item.power) html = html.replace('$POWER$', ' ' + (new Array(item.power + 1)).join('+')); if ((item.spell) && (item.spell.values)) { let abilityValues = ''; for (let p in item.spell.values) { if ((compare) && (shiftDown)) { let delta = item.spell.values[p] - compare.spell.values[p]; // adjust by EPSILON to handle float point imprecision, otherwise 3.15 - 2 = 1.14 or 2 - 3.15 = -1.14 // have to move away from zero by EPSILON, not a simple add if (delta >= 0) delta += Number.EPSILON; else delta -= Number.EPSILON; delta = ~~((delta) * 100) / 100; let rowClass = ''; if (delta > 0) { rowClass = 'gainDamage'; delta = '+' + delta; } else if (delta < 0) rowClass = 'loseDamage'; abilityValues += '
' + p + ': ' + delta + '
'; } else abilityValues += p + ': ' + item.spell.values[p] + '
'; } if (!item.ability) abilityValues = abilityValues; html = html.replace('$DAMAGE$', abilityValues); } this.tooltip.html(html); if (!item.level) this.tooltip.find('.level').hide(); else this.tooltip.find('.level').show(); if (!item.implicitStats) this.tooltip.find('.implicitStats').hide(); else this.tooltip.find('.implicitStats').show(); if (!item.requires) { if (!item.level) this.tooltip.find('.requires').hide(); else this.tooltip.find('.requires .stats').hide(); } else this.tooltip.find('.requires .stats').show(); if ((!item.stats) || (!Object.keys(item.stats).length)) this.tooltip.children('.stats').hide(); if ((!item.type) || (item.type === this.tooltip.find('.type').hide(); else { this.tooltip.find('.type') .html(item.type) .show(); } if (item.power) this.tooltip.find('.power').show(); let equipErrors = window.player.inventory.equipItemErrors(item); equipErrors.forEach(function (e) { this.tooltip.find('.requires').addClass('high-level'); this.tooltip.find('.requires .' + e).addClass('high-level'); }, this); if ((item.material) || ( { this.tooltip.find('.level').hide(); this.tooltip.find('.info').hide(); if (item.material) this.tooltip.find('.material').show(); else if ( this.tooltip.find('.quest').show(); } else if (item.eq) this.tooltip.find('.info').hide(); if (!item.ability) this.tooltip.find('.damage').hide(); else this.tooltip.find('.info').hide(); if (item.spell) { this.tooltip.find('.spellName') .html( .addClass('q' + item.spell.quality) .show(); this.tooltip.find('.damage') .show(); if (item.ability) this.tooltip.find('.spellName').hide(); } else this.tooltip.find('.spellName').hide(); this.tooltip.find('.worth').html(item.worthText ? ('
value: ' + item.worthText) : ''); if (item.effects && item.effects[0].text && item.type !== 'mtx') { let htmlEffects = ''; item.effects.forEach(function (e, i) { htmlEffects += e.text; if (i < item.effects.length - 1) htmlEffects += '
'; }); this.find('.effects') .html(htmlEffects) .show(); } else if (item.description) { this.find('.effects') .html(item.description) .show(); } else this.find('.effects').hide(); if (item.type === 'Reward Card') { this.find('.spellName') .html('Set Size: ' + item.setSize) .show(); } if (item.factions) { let htmlFactions = ''; item.factions.forEach(function (f, i) { let htmlF = + ': ' + f.tierName; if (f.noEquip) htmlF = '' + htmlF + ''; htmlFactions += htmlF; if (i < item.factions.length - 1) htmlFactions += '
'; }); this.find('.faction') .html(htmlFactions) .show(); } else this.find('.faction').hide(); if ((shiftDown) || (!compare)) this.tooltip.find('.info').hide(); if ( { this.tooltip.find('.info') .html('cooldown: ' + .show(); } else if (item.uses) { this.tooltip.find('.info') .html('uses: ' + item.uses) .show(); } this.tooltip .show(); if (pos) { if (bottomAlign) pos.y -= this.tooltip.height(); this.tooltip.css({ left: pos.x, top: pos.y }); } events.emit('onBuiltItemTooltip', this.tooltip); }, showWorth: function (canAfford) { this.tooltip.find('.worth').show(); if (!canAfford) this.tooltip.find('.worth').addClass('no-afford'); } }; });