module.exports = [{ name: 'Rodriguez Heist', description: `Rodriguez, the Hermit's only chicken companion, has been kidnapped by a band of imps. Who knows what they plan on doing with him.`, distance: 10, phases: [{ type: 'spawnMob', spawnRect: { x: 70, y: 40 }, mobs: [{ amount: 4, name: 'Thieving Imp', attackable: false, level: 5, cell: 51, id: 'impthief-$', hpMult: 5, dmgMult: 1, drops: { rolls: 0 }, pos: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 4, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 4 }, { x: 4, y: 4 }] }, { name: 'Imp Kingpin', level: 8, attackable: false, cell: 52, id: 'imp-kingpin', hpMult: 10, dmgMult: 2, pos: { x: 2, y: 2 } }, { name: 'Rodriguez', exists: true, pos: { x: 3, y: 2 } }] }, { type: 'locateMob', announce: 'Locate the thieves', mobs: 'imp-kingpin', distance: 3 }, { type: 'eventChain', config: [{ type: 'mobTalk', id: 'impthief-1', text: `Boss! They're onto us!`, delay: 10 }, { type: 'mobTalk', id: 'impthief-2', text: `They'll take the chicken. We needs it!`, delay: 10 }, { type: 'mobTalk', id: 'imp-kingpin', text: `They'll never have her, she's ours now! Kill them!`, delay: 10 }, { type: 'addComponents', mobs: ['impthief-0', 'impthief-1', 'impthief-2', 'impthief-3'], components: [{ type: 'aggro', faction: 'forest imps' }] }] }, { type: 'killMob', mobs: ['impthief-0', 'impthief-1', 'impthief-2', 'impthief-3'] }, { type: 'eventChain', config: [{ type: 'mobTalk', id: 'imp-kingpin', text: `I have a thousand more imps. Come, I'll finish this now.`, delay: 10 }, { type: 'addComponents', mobs: 'imp-kingpin', components: [{ type: 'aggro', faction: 'forest imps' }] }] }, { type: 'killMob', mobs: 'imp-kingpin', percentage: 0.2 }, { type: 'eventChain', config: [{ type: 'removeComponents', mobs: 'imp-kingpin', components: 'aggro' }, { type: 'mobTalk', id: 'imp-kingpin', text: `Aargh, no! I must get to my lair!`, delay: 10 }] }, { type: 'spawnMob', mobs: { name: 'Imp Kingpin', exists: true, pos: { x: 90, y: 25 } } }] }];