define([ ], function ( ) { return { standAlone: false, lineWidth: 5, blockSize: 20, defaultDistance: 50, defaultDistanceInc: 60, defaultAngle: Math.PI / 2, defaultAngleInc: Math.PI / 8, gridSize: 30, scrollSpeed: 0.75, stats: { str: 'strength', int: 'intellect', dex: 'dexterity', vit: 'vitality', regenHp: 'health regeneration', manaMax: 'maximum mana', regenMana: 'mana regeneration', armor: 'armor', attackSpeed: 'attack speed', castSpeed: 'cast speed', blockAttackChance: 'chance to block attacks', blockSpellChance: 'chance to block spells', addCritChance: 'increased crit chance', addCritMultiplier: 'increased crit multiplier', magicFind: 'increased item quality', itemQuantity: 'increased item quantity', sprintChance: 'sprint chance', allAttributes: 'to all attributes', xpIncrease: 'additional xp per kill', lvlRequire: 'level requirement reduction', elementArcanePercent: 'increased arcane damage', elementFrostPercent: 'increased frost damage', elementFirePercent: 'increased fire damage', elementHolyPercent: 'increased holy damage', elementPoisonPercent: 'increased poison damage', elementAllResist: 'all resistance', elementArcaneResist: 'arcane resistance', elementFrostResist: 'frost resistance', elementFireResist: 'fire resistance', elementHolyResist: 'holy resistance', elementPoisonResist: 'poison resistance', elementAllResist: 'all resistance', physicalPercent: 'increased physical damage', spellPercent: 'increased spell damage', elementPercent: 'increased elemental damage', addSpellCritChance: 'increased spell crit chance', addSpellCritMultiplier: 'increased spell crit multiplier', addAttackCritChance: 'increased attack crit chance', addAttackCritMultiplier: 'increased attack crit multiplier', dodgeAttackChance: 'chance to dodge attacks' } }; });