define(['text'], function(textPlugin) { var buildText = {}; return { load: function(name, req, onLoad, config) { var self = this, file = name, segments = file.split('/'); // If the module name does not have an extension, append the default one if (segments[segments.length - 1].lastIndexOf('.') == -1) { file += '.html'; } textPlugin.get(req.toUrl(file), function(html) { for (var option in config.config.html) { if (option in self.transform) { html = self.transform[option](config.config.html[option], html); } } if (config.isBuild) { buildText[name] = textPlugin.jsEscape(html); } onLoad(html); }, onLoad.error); }, write: function(pluginName, moduleName, write) { if (buildText.hasOwnProperty(moduleName)) { var name = "'" + pluginName + "!" + moduleName + "'", text = "function () {return '" + buildText[moduleName] + "';}"; write("define(" + name + ", " + text + ");\n"); } }, transform: { comments: function(action, html) { if (action === 'strip') { return html.replace(//gm, ''); } else { return html; } }, whitespaceBetweenTags: function(action, html) { var pattern = />[\n\r\s]+<'); } else if (action === 'collapse') { return html.replace(pattern, '> <'); } else { return html; } }, whitespaceBetweenTagsAndText: function(action, html) { var afterTagPattern = />[\n\r\s]+/gm, beforeTagPattern = /[\n\r\s]+').replace(beforeTagPattern, '<'); } else if (action === 'collapse') { return html.replace(afterTagPattern, '> ').replace(beforeTagPattern, ' <'); } else { return html; } }, whitespaceWithinTags: function(action, html) { if (action === 'collapse') { var tagPattern = /<([^>"']*?|"[^"]*?"|'[^']*?')+>/g, attrPattern = /([^\0\n\r\s"'>\/=]+)(?:\s*(=)\s*([^\n\r\s"'=><`]+|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'))?/gi, lastIndex = 0, result = '', match, tag; while ((match = tagPattern.exec(html)) !== null) { // Copy text between the beginning of this match and the end of the last one result += html.substring(lastIndex, match.index); tag = match[0]; if (/^<[^\/]/.test(tag)) { // It's a start tag var attrs = tag.match(attrPattern), start = attrs.shift(), end = /\/>$/.test(tag) ? '/>' : '>'; result += start + { return attr.replace(attrPattern, ' $1$2$3'); }).join('') + end; } else { // It's an end tag result += tag.replace(/[\n\r\s]+/g, ''); } lastIndex = tagPattern.lastIndex; } return result + html.substring(lastIndex); } else { return html; } } } }; });