define([ 'js/system/events', 'html!ui/templates/messages/template', 'html!ui/templates/messages/tplTab', 'css!ui/templates/messages/styles', 'ui/templates/messages/mobile', 'ui/templates/messages/channelPicker', 'js/input', 'js/system/client', 'js/config' ], function ( events, template, tplTab, styles, messagesMobile, channelPicker, input, client, config ) { return { tpl: template, maxChatLength: 255, hoverItem: null, hoverFilter: false, currentChannel: 'global', currentSubChannel: null, privateChannels: [], lastPrivateChannel: null, customChannels: [], lastCustomChannel: null, postRender: function () { [ 'onGetMessages', 'onDoWhisper', 'onJoinChannel', 'onLeaveChannel', 'onClickFilter', 'onGetCustomChatChannels', 'onKeyDown', 'onKeyUp' ].forEach(e => this.onEvent(e, this[e].bind(this))); this.find('.filter:not(.channel)').on('click', this.onClickFilter.bind(this));; if (isMobile); else { this.find('input') .on('keydown', this.sendChat.bind(this)) .on('input', this.enforceMaxMsgLength.bind(this)) .on('blur', this.toggle.bind(this, false, true)); } }, update: function () { if (isMobile) return; if (this.el.hasClass('typing')) return; const time = new Date(); const hours = time.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, 0); const minutes = time.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, 0); let elTime = this.find('.time'); const timeString = `[ ${hours}:${minutes} ]`; if (elTime.html() !== timeString) elTime.html(timeString); }, enforceMaxMsgLength: function () { let textbox = this.find('input'); let val = textbox.val(); if (val.length <= this.maxChatLength) return; val = val.substr(0, this.maxChatLength); textbox.val(val); }, onGetCustomChatChannels: function (channels) { channels.forEach(c => this.onJoinChannel(c)); }, onJoinChannel: function (channel) { const container = this.find('.filters'); const channelName = channel.trim(); this.customChannels.spliceWhere(c => c === channel); this.find(`[filter="${channelName}"]`).remove(); this.customChannels.push(channel); $(tplTab) .appendTo(container) .addClass('channel') .attr('filter', channelName) .html(channelName) .on('mouseover', this.onFilterHover.bind(this, true)) .on('mouseleave', this.onFilterHover.bind(this, false)) .on('click', this.onClickFilter.bind(this)); }, onLeaveChannel: function (channel) { this.customChannels.spliceWhere(c => c === channel); this.find(`.filters div[filter="${channel}"]`).remove(); }, onFilterHover: function (hover) { this.hoverFilter = hover; }, onClickFilter: function (e) { let el = $(; el.toggleClass('active'); let filter = el.attr('filter'); let method = (el.hasClass('active') ? 'show' : 'hide'); if (method === 'show') this.find('.list').addClass(filter); else this.find('.list').removeClass(filter); if (el.hasClass('channel')) this.find('.list .' + filter)[method](); }, onKeyDown: function (key) { if (key === 'enter') this.toggle(true); else if (key === 'shift') this.showItemTooltip(); else if (key === 'esc' && this.el.hasClass('typing')) this.toggle(false); }, onKeyUp: function (key) { if (key === 'shift') this.showItemTooltip(); }, onDoWhisper: function (charName) { this.toggle(true); this.currentChannel = 'direct'; this.currentSubChannel = charName; this.find('.channelPicker').html(charName); const elInput = this.find('input') .val('message') .focus(); elInput[0].setSelectionRange(0, 7); }, //Remember private and custom channels used trackHistory: function (msg) { const { subType, source, target, channel } = msg; if (subType === 'privateIn' || subType === 'privateOut') { const list = this.privateChannels; list.spliceWhere(l => l === source || l === target); //Newest sources are always at the end list.push(source || target); if (list.length > 5) list.splice(0, list.length - 5); if (subType === 'privateOut' && config.rememberChatChannel) this.lastPrivateChannel = target; } else if (subType === 'custom' && config.rememberChatChannel) this.lastCustomChannel = channel; }, onGetMessages: function (e) { if (!window.player) return; let messages = e.messages; if (!messages.length) messages = [messages]; let container = this.find('.list'); const [ { scrollHeight, clientHeight, scrollTop } ] = container; const isAtMaxScroll = scrollTop >= (scrollHeight - clientHeight); messages.forEach(m => { this.trackHistory(m); let message = m.message; if (m.source) { if ( return; } if (m.item) { let source = message.split(':')[0]; message = source + ': ' + message.replace(source + ': ', '') + ''; } let el = $('
' + message + '
') .appendTo(container); if (m.has('type')) el.addClass(m.type); else el.addClass('info'); if (m.has('channel')) el.addClass(; if (m.item) { let clickHander = () => {}; let moveHandler = this.showItemTooltip.bind(this, el, m.item); if (isMobile) [clickHander, moveHandler] = [moveHandler, clickHander]; el.find('span') .on('mousemove', moveHandler) .on('mousedown', clickHander) .on('mouseleave', this.hideItemTooltip.bind(this)); } if (m.type) { const isChannel = m?.subType === 'custom'; if (isChannel) { if (this.find('.filter[filter="' + + '"]').hasClass('active')); else el.hide(); } if (isMobile && ['loot', 'info'].indexOf(m.type) !== -1) { events.emit('onGetAnnouncement', { msg: m.message }); } } }); if (!this.el.hasClass('typing') || isAtMaxScroll) container.scrollTop(9999999); }, hideItemTooltip: function () { if (this.dragEl) { this.hoverCell = null; return; } events.emit('onHideItemTooltip', this.hoverItem); this.hoverItem = null; }, showItemTooltip: function (el, item, e) { if (item) this.hoverItem = item; else item = this.hoverItem; if (!item) return; let ttPos = null; if (el) { ttPos = { x: ~~(e.clientX + 32), y: ~~(e.clientY) }; } let bottomAlign = !isMobile; events.emit('onShowItemTooltip', item, ttPos, true, bottomAlign); }, toggle: function (show, isFake, e) { if (isFake && this.hoverFilter) return; input.resetKeys(); this.el.removeClass('typing'); this.el.find('.main').removeClass('hasBorderShadow'); let textbox = this.find('input'); if (show) { this.el.addClass('typing'); this.el.find('.main').addClass('hasBorderShadow'); if (!config.rememberChatChannel) { this.currentChannel = 'global'; this.currentSubChannel = null; } this.find('.channelPicker').html(this.currentSubChannel || this.currentChannel); textbox.focus(); this.find('.list').scrollTop(9999999); } else { this.find('.channelOptions').removeClass('active'); textbox.val(''); this.el.removeClass('picking'); if (['direct', 'custom'].includes(this.currentChannel) && (!this.currentSubChannel || ['join new', 'leave'].includes(this.currentSubChannel))) { this.currentSubChannel = null; this.currentChannel = 'global'; } } if (e) e.stopPropagation(); }, sendChat: function (e) { let textbox = this.find('input'); let msgConfig = { success: true, message: textbox.val(), event: e, cancel: false }; this.processChat(msgConfig); if (msgConfig.cancel || this.el.hasClass('picking')) return false; const { which: charCode } = e; if ([9, 27].includes(charCode) || charCode !== 13) { if (charCode === 9) { e.preventDefault(); textbox.val(`${textbox.val()} `); } else if (charCode === 27) this.toggle(false); return; } events.emit('onBeforeChat', msgConfig); let val = msgConfig.message .split('<').join('<') .split('>').join('>'); if (!msgConfig.success) { this.toggle(false); return; } if (val.trim() === '') { this.toggle(false); return; } client.request({ cpn: 'social', method: 'chat', data: { message: val, type: this.currentChannel, subType: this.currentSubChannel } }); this.toggle(); } }; });