3 JS Style Guide
Big Bad Waffle edited this page 4 years ago


  • Server-side modules are CommonJS
  • Client-side modules are AMD

Tabs or Spaces



Whitespace is added in the following locations.

//After keywords
if (

//Before Brackets
if (a) {

//Around mathematical operators
var a = b + c;

//Around boolean operators
if ((a) || (b))

Bracket Positioning

if (a) {

} else {

Single or Double Quotes


var a = 'This is a string';

In cases where a single quote is required in the string, use backticks:

var a = `This string contains 'single quotes'`;

String Concatenation

To build a string up from variables, use template literals:

var a = `Name: ${name}`;


Each conditional has brackets surrounding it:

if ((a) && (b == c))

In cases where there are more than one operator, new-lines and indentation is used to improve readability:

if (
	(a) &&
		(b == c) ||
		(b == d)

When an if contains only one statement, no brackets are added:

if (a)

For Loops

The following iterators (in this order) are used: i, j, k, l.

Iterators are never pre-declared.

If the array terminator is a variable, it must be cached if it consists of more than one term:

for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)

var oLen = objects.length;
for (var i = 0; i < oLen; i++)

No other statements may be part of the loop declaration. That is, none of this:

for (var i = 0; i++, j += 1; i < 10)

In-line Functions

To manipulate/find items in arrays, arrow functions are used:

var exists = array.find(a => (a == b));

In cases where the match is calculated in more than one statement, regular functions are used:

var exists = array.find(function(a) {
	var b = a * 2;
	return (b == 4);

When the in-line function is a callback that is meant to be called later, bound functions are used:

db.query(queryString, this.onQuery.bind(this);

Multi-Line Strings

To build multi-line strings, use backticks and the proper indentation:

var a = `
	This is
	a multi-line

JSON Objects

JSON Objects are never declared on one line:

var a = { b: 1, c: 2 };

var a = {
	b: 1,
	c: 2


Small arrays can be defined on one line if spaces are placed after and before the first and last square bracket:

var a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

Bigger arrays must be defined on multiple lines:

var a = [


Single line comments are written with no space after the slashes:

//Single line comment

Multi-line comments are written with spaces after the brackets on all but the first line.

// comment
//Another multi-line
// comment

Module Syntax

Things to note:

  • Each included module it listen on its own line.
  • Gap after properties
  • Gap after each method
  • Space after function()
], function(
) {
	return {
		propA: 1,

		methodA: function() {


		methodB: function() {