0 installation and usage (linux)
Vildravn edited this page 3 years ago

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  1. Install Git through your package manager
    • Ubuntu & Debian: sudo apt-get install git
    • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S git
    • CentOS 7: sudo yum install git
    • Fedora, CentOS 8, CentOS Stream: sudo dnf install git
  2. Install NodeJS (at least LTS version) and NPM following the official documentation:
  3. Open a new Terminal window and run the following commands
  4. Get the code: git clone https://gitlab.com/Isleward/isleward.git
  5. Navigate to the server folder: cd isleward/src/server
  6. Install dependencies: npm install
  7. Run: node index.js
  8. Navigate http://localhost:4000/ in your browser