=================== Documentation Style =================== A brief single sentence to describe what this file contains; in this case a description of the style to write documentation in. Sections ======== Each section should be separated from the others by two blank lines. Headings should be underlined using a row of equals signs (===). Paragraphs should be separated by a single blank line, and wrap to no further than 80 columns. [[TODO(username): if you want to leave some unanswered questions, notes for further consideration, or other kinds of comment, use a TODO section. Make sure to notate it with your name so we know who to ask about it!]] Subsections ----------- If required, subsections can use a row of dashes to underline their header. A single blank line between subsections of a single section. Bullet Lists ============ * Bullet lists can use asterisks with a single space either side. * Another blank line between list elements. Definition Lists ================ Terms: Start in the first column, ending with a colon Definitions: Take a two space indent, following immediately from the term without a blank line before it, but having a blank line afterwards.