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  1. import curses
  2. import curses.wrapper
  3. from curses.ascii import isprint
  4. from twisted.internet import reactor
  5. class CursesStdIO():
  6. def __init__(self, stdscr, callback=None):
  7. self.statusText = "Synapse test app -"
  8. self.searchText = ''
  9. self.stdscr = stdscr
  10. self.logLine = ''
  11. self.callback = callback
  12. self._setup()
  13. def _setup(self):
  14. self.stdscr.nodelay(1) # Make non blocking
  15. self.rows, self.cols = self.stdscr.getmaxyx()
  16. self.lines = []
  17. curses.use_default_colors()
  18. self.paintStatus(self.statusText)
  19. self.stdscr.refresh()
  20. def set_callback(self, callback):
  21. self.callback = callback
  22. def fileno(self):
  23. """ We want to select on FD 0 """
  24. return 0
  25. def connectionLost(self, reason):
  26. self.close()
  27. def print_line(self, text):
  28. """ add a line to the internal list of lines"""
  29. self.lines.append(text)
  30. self.redraw()
  31. def print_log(self, text):
  32. self.logLine = text
  33. self.redraw()
  34. def redraw(self):
  35. """ method for redisplaying lines
  36. based on internal list of lines """
  37. self.stdscr.clear()
  38. self.paintStatus(self.statusText)
  39. i = 0
  40. index = len(self.lines) - 1
  41. while i < (self.rows - 3) and index >= 0:
  42. self.stdscr.addstr(self.rows - 3 - i, 0, self.lines[index],
  43. curses.A_NORMAL)
  44. i = i + 1
  45. index = index - 1
  46. self.printLogLine(self.logLine)
  47. self.stdscr.refresh()
  48. def paintStatus(self, text):
  49. if len(text) > self.cols:
  50. raise RuntimeError("TextTooLongError")
  51. self.stdscr.addstr(
  52. self.rows - 2, 0,
  53. text + ' ' * (self.cols - len(text)),
  54. curses.A_STANDOUT)
  55. def printLogLine(self, text):
  56. self.stdscr.addstr(
  57. 0, 0,
  58. text + ' ' * (self.cols - len(text)),
  59. curses.A_STANDOUT)
  60. def doRead(self):
  61. """ Input is ready! """
  62. curses.noecho()
  63. c = self.stdscr.getch() # read a character
  64. if c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE:
  65. self.searchText = self.searchText[:-1]
  66. elif c == curses.KEY_ENTER or c == 10:
  67. text = self.searchText
  68. self.searchText = ''
  69. self.print_line(">> %s" % text)
  70. try:
  71. if self.callback:
  72. self.callback.on_line(text)
  73. except Exception as e:
  74. self.print_line(str(e))
  75. self.stdscr.refresh()
  76. elif isprint(c):
  77. if len(self.searchText) == self.cols - 2:
  78. return
  79. self.searchText = self.searchText + chr(c)
  80. self.stdscr.addstr(self.rows - 1, 0,
  81. self.searchText + (' ' * (
  82. self.cols - len(self.searchText) - 2)))
  83. self.paintStatus(self.statusText + ' %d' % len(self.searchText))
  84. self.stdscr.move(self.rows - 1, len(self.searchText))
  85. self.stdscr.refresh()
  86. def logPrefix(self):
  87. return "CursesStdIO"
  88. def close(self):
  89. """ clean up """
  90. curses.nocbreak()
  91. self.stdscr.keypad(0)
  92. curses.echo()
  93. curses.endwin()
  94. class Callback(object):
  95. def __init__(self, stdio):
  96. self.stdio = stdio
  97. def on_line(self, text):
  98. self.stdio.print_line(text)
  99. def main(stdscr):
  100. screen = CursesStdIO(stdscr) # create Screen object
  101. callback = Callback(screen)
  102. screen.set_callback(callback)
  103. stdscr.refresh()
  104. reactor.addReader(screen)
  106. screen.close()
  107. if __name__ == '__main__':
  108. curses.wrapper(main)