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  1. # Copyright 2017 New Vector Ltd
  2. # Copyright 2019 Foundation C.I.C.
  3. #
  4. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  5. # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  6. # You may obtain a copy of the License at
  7. #
  8. #
  9. #
  10. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  11. # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  12. # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  13. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  14. # limitations under the License.
  15. from typing import Dict, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, cast
  16. from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict
  17. from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
  18. from synapse.logging.opentracing import log_kv, trace
  19. from import SQLBaseStore, db_to_json
  20. from import LoggingTransaction
  21. from synapse.types import JsonDict, JsonSerializable, StreamKeyType
  22. from synapse.util import json_encoder
  23. class RoomKey(TypedDict):
  24. """`KeyBackupData` in the Matrix spec.
  26. """
  27. first_message_index: int
  28. forwarded_count: int
  29. is_verified: bool
  30. session_data: JsonSerializable
  31. class EndToEndRoomKeyStore(SQLBaseStore):
  32. """The store for end to end room key backups.
  33. See
  34. As per the spec, backups are identified by an opaque version string. Internally,
  35. version identifiers are assigned using incrementing integers. Non-numeric version
  36. strings are treated as if they do not exist, since we would have never issued them.
  37. """
  38. async def update_e2e_room_key(
  39. self,
  40. user_id: str,
  41. version: str,
  42. room_id: str,
  43. session_id: str,
  44. room_key: RoomKey,
  45. ) -> None:
  46. """Replaces the encrypted E2E room key for a given session in a given backup
  47. Args:
  48. user_id: the user whose backup we're setting
  49. version: the version ID of the backup we're updating
  50. room_id: the ID of the room whose keys we're setting
  51. session_id: the session whose room_key we're setting
  52. room_key: the room_key being set
  53. Raises:
  54. StoreError
  55. """
  56. try:
  57. version_int = int(version)
  58. except ValueError:
  59. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  60. # it doesn't exist.
  61. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists")
  62. await self.db_pool.simple_update_one(
  63. table="e2e_room_keys",
  64. keyvalues={
  65. "user_id": user_id,
  66. "version": version_int,
  67. "room_id": room_id,
  68. "session_id": session_id,
  69. },
  70. updatevalues={
  71. "first_message_index": room_key["first_message_index"],
  72. "forwarded_count": room_key["forwarded_count"],
  73. "is_verified": room_key["is_verified"],
  74. "session_data": json_encoder.encode(room_key["session_data"]),
  75. },
  76. desc="update_e2e_room_key",
  77. )
  78. async def add_e2e_room_keys(
  79. self, user_id: str, version: str, room_keys: Iterable[Tuple[str, str, RoomKey]]
  80. ) -> None:
  81. """Bulk add room keys to a given backup.
  82. Args:
  83. user_id: the user whose backup we're adding to
  84. version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're adding to
  85. room_keys: the keys to add, in the form (roomID, sessionID, keyData)
  86. """
  87. try:
  88. version_int = int(version)
  89. except ValueError:
  90. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  91. # it doesn't exist.
  92. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists")
  93. values = []
  94. for room_id, session_id, room_key in room_keys:
  95. values.append(
  96. (
  97. user_id,
  98. version_int,
  99. room_id,
  100. session_id,
  101. room_key["first_message_index"],
  102. room_key["forwarded_count"],
  103. room_key["is_verified"],
  104. json_encoder.encode(room_key["session_data"]),
  105. )
  106. )
  107. log_kv(
  108. {
  109. "message": "Set room key",
  110. "room_id": room_id,
  111. "session_id": session_id,
  112. StreamKeyType.ROOM: room_key,
  113. }
  114. )
  115. await self.db_pool.simple_insert_many(
  116. table="e2e_room_keys",
  117. keys=(
  118. "user_id",
  119. "version",
  120. "room_id",
  121. "session_id",
  122. "first_message_index",
  123. "forwarded_count",
  124. "is_verified",
  125. "session_data",
  126. ),
  127. values=values,
  128. desc="add_e2e_room_keys",
  129. )
  130. @trace
  131. async def get_e2e_room_keys(
  132. self,
  133. user_id: str,
  134. version: str,
  135. room_id: Optional[str] = None,
  136. session_id: Optional[str] = None,
  137. ) -> Dict[
  138. Literal["rooms"], Dict[str, Dict[Literal["sessions"], Dict[str, RoomKey]]]
  139. ]:
  140. """Bulk get the E2E room keys for a given backup, optionally filtered to a given
  141. room, or a given session.
  142. Args:
  143. user_id: the user whose backup we're querying
  144. version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're querying
  145. room_id: Optional. the ID of the room whose keys we're querying, if any.
  146. If not specified, we return the keys for all the rooms in the backup.
  147. session_id: Optional. the session whose room_key we're querying, if any.
  148. If specified, we also require the room_id to be specified.
  149. If not specified, we return all the keys in this version of
  150. the backup (or for the specified room)
  151. Returns:
  152. A dict giving the session_data and message metadata for these room keys.
  153. `{"rooms": {room_id: {"sessions": {session_id: room_key}}}}`
  154. """
  155. try:
  156. version_int = int(version)
  157. except ValueError:
  158. return {"rooms": {}}
  159. keyvalues = {"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int}
  160. if room_id:
  161. keyvalues["room_id"] = room_id
  162. if session_id:
  163. keyvalues["session_id"] = session_id
  164. rows = await self.db_pool.simple_select_list(
  165. table="e2e_room_keys",
  166. keyvalues=keyvalues,
  167. retcols=(
  168. "user_id",
  169. "room_id",
  170. "session_id",
  171. "first_message_index",
  172. "forwarded_count",
  173. "is_verified",
  174. "session_data",
  175. ),
  176. desc="get_e2e_room_keys",
  177. )
  178. sessions: Dict[
  179. Literal["rooms"], Dict[str, Dict[Literal["sessions"], Dict[str, RoomKey]]]
  180. ] = {"rooms": {}}
  181. for row in rows:
  182. room_entry = sessions["rooms"].setdefault(row["room_id"], {"sessions": {}})
  183. room_entry["sessions"][row["session_id"]] = {
  184. "first_message_index": row["first_message_index"],
  185. "forwarded_count": row["forwarded_count"],
  186. # is_verified must be returned to the client as a boolean
  187. "is_verified": bool(row["is_verified"]),
  188. "session_data": db_to_json(row["session_data"]),
  189. }
  190. return sessions
  191. async def get_e2e_room_keys_multi(
  192. self,
  193. user_id: str,
  194. version: str,
  195. room_keys: Mapping[str, Mapping[Literal["sessions"], Iterable[str]]],
  196. ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]]:
  197. """Get multiple room keys at a time. The difference between this function and
  198. get_e2e_room_keys is that this function can be used to retrieve
  199. multiple specific keys at a time, whereas get_e2e_room_keys is used for
  200. getting all the keys in a backup version, all the keys for a room, or a
  201. specific key.
  202. Args:
  203. user_id: the user whose backup we're querying
  204. version: the version ID of the backup we're querying about
  205. room_keys: a map from room ID -> {"sessions": [session ids]}
  206. indicating the session IDs that we want to query
  207. Returns:
  208. A map of room IDs to session IDs to room key
  209. """
  210. try:
  211. version_int = int(version)
  212. except ValueError:
  213. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  214. # it doesn't exist.
  215. return {}
  216. return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
  217. "get_e2e_room_keys_multi",
  218. self._get_e2e_room_keys_multi_txn,
  219. user_id,
  220. version_int,
  221. room_keys,
  222. )
  223. @staticmethod
  224. def _get_e2e_room_keys_multi_txn(
  225. txn: LoggingTransaction,
  226. user_id: str,
  227. version: int,
  228. room_keys: Mapping[str, Mapping[Literal["sessions"], Iterable[str]]],
  229. ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]]:
  230. if not room_keys:
  231. return {}
  232. where_clauses = []
  233. params = [user_id, version]
  234. for room_id, room in room_keys.items():
  235. sessions = list(room["sessions"])
  236. if not sessions:
  237. continue
  238. params.append(room_id)
  239. params.extend(sessions)
  240. where_clauses.append(
  241. "(room_id = ? AND session_id IN (%s))"
  242. % (",".join(["?" for _ in sessions]),)
  243. )
  244. # check if we're actually querying something
  245. if not where_clauses:
  246. return {}
  247. sql = """
  248. SELECT room_id, session_id, first_message_index, forwarded_count,
  249. is_verified, session_data
  250. FROM e2e_room_keys
  251. WHERE user_id = ? AND version = ? AND (%s)
  252. """ % (
  253. " OR ".join(where_clauses)
  254. )
  255. txn.execute(sql, params)
  256. ret: Dict[str, Dict[str, RoomKey]] = {}
  257. for row in txn:
  258. room_id = row[0]
  259. session_id = row[1]
  260. ret.setdefault(room_id, {})
  261. ret[room_id][session_id] = {
  262. "first_message_index": row[2],
  263. "forwarded_count": row[3],
  264. "is_verified": row[4],
  265. "session_data": db_to_json(row[5]),
  266. }
  267. return ret
  268. async def count_e2e_room_keys(self, user_id: str, version: str) -> int:
  269. """Get the number of keys in a backup version.
  270. Args:
  271. user_id: the user whose backup we're querying
  272. version: the version ID of the backup we're querying about
  273. """
  274. try:
  275. version_int = int(version)
  276. except ValueError:
  277. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  278. # it doesn't exist.
  279. return 0
  280. return await self.db_pool.simple_select_one_onecol(
  281. table="e2e_room_keys",
  282. keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int},
  283. retcol="COUNT(*)",
  284. desc="count_e2e_room_keys",
  285. )
  286. @trace
  287. async def delete_e2e_room_keys(
  288. self,
  289. user_id: str,
  290. version: str,
  291. room_id: Optional[str] = None,
  292. session_id: Optional[str] = None,
  293. ) -> None:
  294. """Bulk delete the E2E room keys for a given backup, optionally filtered to a given
  295. room or a given session.
  296. Args:
  297. user_id: the user whose backup we're deleting from
  298. version: the version ID of the backup for the set of keys we're deleting
  299. room_id: Optional. the ID of the room whose keys we're deleting, if any.
  300. If not specified, we delete the keys for all the rooms in the backup.
  301. session_id: Optional. the session whose room_key we're querying, if any.
  302. If specified, we also require the room_id to be specified.
  303. If not specified, we delete all the keys in this version of
  304. the backup (or for the specified room)
  305. """
  306. try:
  307. version_int = int(version)
  308. except ValueError:
  309. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  310. # it doesn't exist.
  311. return
  312. keyvalues = {"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int}
  313. if room_id:
  314. keyvalues["room_id"] = room_id
  315. if session_id:
  316. keyvalues["session_id"] = session_id
  317. await self.db_pool.simple_delete(
  318. table="e2e_room_keys", keyvalues=keyvalues, desc="delete_e2e_room_keys"
  319. )
  320. @staticmethod
  321. def _get_current_version(txn: LoggingTransaction, user_id: str) -> int:
  322. txn.execute(
  323. "SELECT MAX(version) FROM e2e_room_keys_versions "
  324. "WHERE user_id=? AND deleted=0",
  325. (user_id,),
  326. )
  327. # `SELECT MAX() FROM ...` will always return 1 row. The value in that row will
  328. # be `NULL` when there are no available versions.
  329. row = cast(Tuple[Optional[int]], txn.fetchone())
  330. if row[0] is None:
  331. raise StoreError(404, "No current backup version")
  332. return row[0]
  333. async def get_e2e_room_keys_version_info(
  334. self, user_id: str, version: Optional[str] = None
  335. ) -> JsonDict:
  336. """Get info metadata about a version of our room_keys backup.
  337. Args:
  338. user_id: the user whose backup we're querying
  339. version: Optional. the version ID of the backup we're querying about
  340. If missing, we return the information about the current version.
  341. Raises:
  342. StoreError: with code 404 if there are no e2e_room_keys_versions present
  343. Returns:
  344. A dict giving the info metadata for this backup version, with
  345. fields including:
  346. version (str)
  347. algorithm (str)
  348. auth_data (object): opaque dict supplied by the client
  349. etag (int): tag of the keys in the backup
  350. """
  351. def _get_e2e_room_keys_version_info_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> JsonDict:
  352. if version is None:
  353. this_version = self._get_current_version(txn, user_id)
  354. else:
  355. try:
  356. this_version = int(version)
  357. except ValueError:
  358. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  359. # it isn't there.
  360. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists")
  361. result = self.db_pool.simple_select_one_txn(
  362. txn,
  363. table="e2e_room_keys_versions",
  364. keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": this_version, "deleted": 0},
  365. retcols=("version", "algorithm", "auth_data", "etag"),
  366. allow_none=False,
  367. )
  368. assert result is not None # see comment on `simple_select_one_txn`
  369. result["auth_data"] = db_to_json(result["auth_data"])
  370. result["version"] = str(result["version"])
  371. if result["etag"] is None:
  372. result["etag"] = 0
  373. return result
  374. return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
  375. "get_e2e_room_keys_version_info", _get_e2e_room_keys_version_info_txn
  376. )
  377. @trace
  378. async def create_e2e_room_keys_version(self, user_id: str, info: JsonDict) -> str:
  379. """Atomically creates a new version of this user's e2e_room_keys store
  380. with the given version info.
  381. Args:
  382. user_id: the user whose backup we're creating a version
  383. info: the info about the backup version to be created
  384. Returns:
  385. The newly created version ID
  386. """
  387. def _create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> str:
  388. txn.execute(
  389. "SELECT MAX(version) FROM e2e_room_keys_versions WHERE user_id=?",
  390. (user_id,),
  391. )
  392. current_version = cast(Tuple[Optional[int]], txn.fetchone())[0]
  393. if current_version is None:
  394. current_version = 0
  395. new_version = current_version + 1
  396. self.db_pool.simple_insert_txn(
  397. txn,
  398. table="e2e_room_keys_versions",
  399. values={
  400. "user_id": user_id,
  401. "version": new_version,
  402. "algorithm": info["algorithm"],
  403. "auth_data": json_encoder.encode(info["auth_data"]),
  404. },
  405. )
  406. return str(new_version)
  407. return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
  408. "create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn", _create_e2e_room_keys_version_txn
  409. )
  410. @trace
  411. async def update_e2e_room_keys_version(
  412. self,
  413. user_id: str,
  414. version: str,
  415. info: Optional[JsonDict] = None,
  416. version_etag: Optional[int] = None,
  417. ) -> None:
  418. """Update a given backup version
  419. Args:
  420. user_id: the user whose backup version we're updating
  421. version: the version ID of the backup version we're updating
  422. info: the new backup version info to store. If None, then the backup
  423. version info is not updated.
  424. version_etag: etag of the keys in the backup. If None, then the etag
  425. is not updated.
  426. """
  427. updatevalues: Dict[str, object] = {}
  428. if info is not None and "auth_data" in info:
  429. updatevalues["auth_data"] = json_encoder.encode(info["auth_data"])
  430. if version_etag is not None:
  431. updatevalues["etag"] = version_etag
  432. if updatevalues:
  433. try:
  434. version_int = int(version)
  435. except ValueError:
  436. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  437. # it doesn't exist.
  438. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists")
  439. await self.db_pool.simple_update_one(
  440. table="e2e_room_keys_versions",
  441. keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": version_int},
  442. updatevalues=updatevalues,
  443. desc="update_e2e_room_keys_version",
  444. )
  445. @trace
  446. async def delete_e2e_room_keys_version(
  447. self, user_id: str, version: Optional[str] = None
  448. ) -> None:
  449. """Delete a given backup version of the user's room keys.
  450. Doesn't delete their actual key data.
  451. Args:
  452. user_id: the user whose backup version we're deleting
  453. version: Optional. the version ID of the backup version we're deleting
  454. If missing, we delete the current backup version info.
  455. Raises:
  456. StoreError: with code 404 if there are no e2e_room_keys_versions present,
  457. or if the version requested doesn't exist.
  458. """
  459. def _delete_e2e_room_keys_version_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> None:
  460. if version is None:
  461. this_version = self._get_current_version(txn, user_id)
  462. else:
  463. try:
  464. this_version = int(version)
  465. except ValueError:
  466. # Our versions are all ints so if we can't convert it to an integer,
  467. # it isn't there.
  468. raise StoreError(404, "No backup with that version exists")
  469. self.db_pool.simple_delete_txn(
  470. txn,
  471. table="e2e_room_keys",
  472. keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": this_version},
  473. )
  474. self.db_pool.simple_update_one_txn(
  475. txn,
  476. table="e2e_room_keys_versions",
  477. keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "version": this_version},
  478. updatevalues={"deleted": 1},
  479. )
  480. await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
  481. "delete_e2e_room_keys_version", _delete_e2e_room_keys_version_txn
  482. )