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  1. [mypy]
  2. namespace_packages = True
  3. plugins = mypy_zope:plugin
  4. follow_imports = silent
  5. check_untyped_defs = True
  6. show_error_codes = True
  7. show_traceback = True
  8. mypy_path = stubs
  9. [mypy-zope]
  10. ignore_missing_imports = True
  11. [mypy-constantly]
  12. ignore_missing_imports = True
  13. [mypy-twisted.*]
  14. ignore_missing_imports = True
  15. [mypy-treq.*]
  16. ignore_missing_imports = True
  17. [mypy-hyperlink]
  18. ignore_missing_imports = True
  19. [mypy-h11]
  20. ignore_missing_imports = True
  21. [mypy-opentracing]
  22. ignore_missing_imports = True
  23. [mypy-OpenSSL]
  24. ignore_missing_imports = True
  25. [mypy-netaddr]
  26. ignore_missing_imports = True
  27. [mypy-saml2.*]
  28. ignore_missing_imports = True
  29. [mypy-unpaddedbase64]
  30. ignore_missing_imports = True
  31. [mypy-canonicaljson]
  32. ignore_missing_imports = True
  33. [mypy-jaeger_client]
  34. ignore_missing_imports = True
  35. [mypy-jsonschema]
  36. ignore_missing_imports = True
  37. [mypy-signedjson.*]
  38. ignore_missing_imports = True
  39. [mypy-prometheus_client.*]
  40. ignore_missing_imports = True
  41. [mypy-service_identity.*]
  42. ignore_missing_imports = True
  43. [mypy-daemonize]
  44. ignore_missing_imports = True
  45. [mypy-sentry_sdk]
  46. ignore_missing_imports = True